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Official: These are the first Arajet routes from Punta Cana

the airíborn Dominican Arajet officialó cuáto beán the first routes and flights you will haveá from the Punta Cana International Airport. Photo Boein

Arajet, announcementó officially expanding its route network with new direct flights from its new base of operations in the Punta Cana International Airport to key destinations, initially, a Sudanérica. This initiative seeks to strengthen the arrival of visitors to the eastern area of ​​the RepúDominican War and consolidate the paíIt's like the new centerémainland inmate.

Routes from Punta Cana

From the próximo 27 October 2024, Arajet offerá direct flights from Punta Cana a:

  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Toronto, Canadaá
  • Montreal, Canadaá
  • Santiago de Chile, Chile
  • Lima, Perú
  • City of México, México
  • Delún, México

For schedules and frequencies, I recommend you visit the Aerol website directly.ínea.

To celebrate the opening of these new routes, Arajet ofrece una graduationón special with prices from only $120 one way, with taxes included. I recommend you consult directly on the website of Arajet to know the specific times and frequenciesíyou stay, así as wellén the prices defined accordingún each travel date.

With the incorporate usón of the International Airport of Punta Cana as his second baseman in the countryís, Arajet continúand are expansionsón and growth. the airíDominican Republic aims to convert the RepúDominican War in the new centerémainland inmate, offering efficient connections and competitive prices to a wide network of destinations.

Más destinations from Punta Cana próximly

Arajet announcementó that will be added in the futureán new routes from Punta Cana to other destinations on the continent, including Buenos Aires, Quito, Guayaquil, Bogotaá, Averageín and Cartagena.

To offer greater flexibility to travelers, Arajet maintenanceá its base in the Las Am International Airportérich (AILA) operating normally. Además, the airínea provideá a bus serviceús diary to connectá both airports by land, facilitating connections between flights.

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