Venezuela prohibits suspends limits restricts flights flight Panama Panama City Caracas Santo Domingo Dominican Republic airlines airline LATAM cup Wingo Sky High Venezuelan Avior Turpial LASER

Venezuela prohibits flights with Panama and the Dominican Republic

Although the Government of Venezuela indicó which is a temporary measure, flights to or from Panamá and Rep.úDominican War are suspended indefinitely.

Within the current political tensionsíethics that have been presented in Venezuela and the different international reactions, The Venezuelan government, using its powers, has suspended operations toéAreas to and from Panamaá and Rep.úDominican War.

Venezuela proíbe flights to Panamaá and Rep.úDominican War

An extreme measure that leaves a situationón of partial insulation, being the two vías for demanded by Venezuelans to connect with the entire American continent, especially towards the United States, was announced on the night of 29 July 2024, leaving thousands of passengers affected in múltiples países of the regionón.

concretely, in a statement published on social networks of the National Aeron Instituteáutica Civil – INAC, be informedó about the measure 48 hours before its entry into force. He himself details:

in attentionón to the recent statement from the Government of the RepublicúBolivarian War of Venezuela that rejects the interventionist actions of right-wing governments, openly committed to the ideal postulatesólogics of international fascism and based on the principles of sovereigntyíin full, taking into account the presumptionón of the use of aviationón civil for purposes not compatible with security principles, así such as commercial air rights covered by the Chicago Convention, suspension is announcedótemporary n of commercial flights, to and from the RepúBolivarian war of Venezuela with Panamaá and the RepúDominican War, from 31 from July of the present toñor at 08.00 p.m. (Coach).

The Ministry of Popular Power for Transportation of the RepublicúBolivarian War of Venezuela, rector of national and international mobility reserves legal actions, in firm support of political decisionsíState ethics, in order to enforce, preserve and defend the inalienable right of self-determinationón of the Venezuelan people.

concretely, from the 31 from July of the present toñO, exactly at 20:00 hours, to enterá this measure is in force, temporarily suspending commercial flights to and from Venezuela with Panamaá and Rep.úDominican War, what to generateá that más de 55 weekly frequencies stop operating and transporting passengers and commerce.

Exactly, the flights that will be seenán affected, themselvesún reportó the argentine portal Aviationline máwith informationón the Flight Radar 24, are the following:

Affected flights to/from Panama Cityá

  • Copa Airlines
    • Barcelona (BLA): three flights per week.
    • Barquisimeto (BRM): three flights per week.
    • Caracas (CCS): twenty-four weekly flights.
    • maracaibo (MAR): six weekly flights.
    • Valencia (VLN): six weekly flights.
  • Turpial Airlines
    • Valencia: a weekly flight
  • Venezuelan from Aviación
    • Barquisimeto: a weekly flight.
    • Caracas: a weekly flight
    • maracaibo: a weekly flight

Affected flights to/from RepúDominican War (Santo Domingo)

  • Sky High Dominicana
    • Caracas: seven weekly flights.
    • Valencia (VLN): four weekly flights.
  • Avior
    • Caracas: five weekly flights.
    • Santo Domingo: two weekly flights
    • Barquisimeto: three flights per week
    • maracaibo: two weekly flights
    • Thank youín: a weekly flight
  • Turpial
    • Valencia: two weekly flights.
  • Venezuelan from Aviación
    • Caracas: two weekly flights.

Options to fly to Venezuela

with this measure, connectivity is significantly limited Venezuela mainly with suramérica, but connectivity options still exist with Bogotá and Lima to mention two destinations that have operationsóWingo's n, LATAM and Avianca, while flights with Europe remain unchanged at the moment.

I recommend paying attention to your air notifications.íguidelines for possible new changes that may occur in the próximos días.

If you are an affected passenger, the airíI will notify youá with return optionsóno change of date, subject to change diplomaáticos.

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