avianca ecuador stops flying Quito Orlando but starts new direct flights Quito Punta Cana

Avianca Ecuador stops flying to Orlando, but Punta Cana opens

the airíecuadorian nea Avianca Ecuador leaveá to operate its direct flights to Orlando from Quito, but in its replacement, Startá a new route to Punta Cana.

After flying directly from the Quito airport a Orlando from the 29 October 2023 and less than oneñor undressés of that event and flight histórich direct for Ecuador, the airínea Avianca Ecuador suspendá this route, but giveá move on to a new optionón d connectivity.

Punta Cana It is now the fashionable destination for Ecuadorians: Beaches, arena, party and only need the passport to travel. I'm the matchmakeróperfect for this destination to be a ésuccess, that to más of the 3 weekly flights chárter the Aeroregional, summerá spaghettién since December flights with Arajet at its second base of operations in RepúDominican War.

Avianca Ecuador stops operating in Orlando, but flyá to Punta Cana

Así as the t relatesítitle of this publicationón, a route that operated with two weekly frequencies is canceled, but another one opens with three flights a week. Although it is a péloss by ceasing to have a direct destination in Florida (favorite state of Ecuadorians), There is a positive side to having regular flights to Punta Cana for the first time and even, with an additional weekly frequency. Let's review the changes:

No más direct flights to Orlando

From the próximo 28 October and just turning oneñor the inaugural flight, Avianca Ecuador leaveá to operate this route directly on airplanes Airbus A320, again leaving the optionón to do it in connectionón víto the Avianca hub in Bogotaá.

For now, it is unknown if the opportunity to operate this route on a seasonal basis is among the options..

Punta Cana enters the network

With the departure of Orlando, the grandfatherón assigned for that route becomes available, which leaves the door open to a new connectionón direct, and the airínea has defined Punta Cana as the optionóreplacement no.. The flights areán now available for sale with tickets from $483.85 round trip with fees and taxes included with an artípersonal ass.

Are youí that from the 27 October próximo, Avianca Ecuador startá its direct flights from Quito to Punta Cana with the following schedules and frequencies:


With two weekly flights, this new route of Avianca Ecuador operateá the Días miércohols and sundays on Airbus A320 aircraft with capacity for 180 passengers.


The new airline routeíEcuadorian nea operateá with the following schedule (in local time of each countryís):

  • Flight AV7372 takes off from Quito at 10:15 hours and lands in Punta Cana at 14:35 hours with a durationón of 3 hours and 20 minutes.
  • Flight AV7371 takes off from Punta Cana at 15:45 hours and lands back in Quito at 18:05 hours with a durationón of 3 hours and 20 minutes.

¿Whaté Do you think these changes? I read them in the comments.

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