Code transponder codes transponder emergency codes 7700 7600 7500

Transponder codes and emergency flights

In this installment we will talk about the cóI say transponder and emergencies that can occur in flight, más the meaning of these núheritage.

very recently, calledó the attentionóinformation on my social networksón that I shareí about the cósay emergency transponder, especially the 7700 which is a general emergency, as is normal, not everyone knows about it, from what it seemed to meó important to make a post clarifying this informationón so that theí We can all learn something new about the beautiful world of Aviationón.

Cóyou say transponder

We must go to the base, and understand that the world isá being flown over at this moment by thousands of airplanes, Therefore, they must be differentiated in some way to avoid confusion.óno major problems.

In the complex framework of tráI'm theéreo, where hundreds of aircraft cross the skies simultaneouslyánot at all, to identifyón accurate and timely of each is crucial. Hereí This is where the c's come into play.óyou say transponder. These cóHoney, transmitted by a device on board the aircraft, they are like a “céidentity question” which allows drivers toéInmates identify and track each avión on your radar screens.

¿Whaté It's a transponder?

A transponder is an electronic deviceóonly one who receivesñradar signals and emits a coded response. When a primary radar emits a signalñtowards an aircraft, the transponder detects it and sends itíto a response with a cóI say specífico. It is cóI say, along with the positionón of aircraft determined by radar, is displayed on the controller screenéreo.

As a curious fact there is 4.096 possibilities of cótransponder words that range from 0000 al 7777.


The transponder is specíphysically the system or equipment that all aircraft have installed and that the pilots in command have access to enter a code 4 dígitos assigned for your flight.

There are several types of transponder, each with a different level of detail:

  • *Mode A:The más báphysical, convey a cóI say four dígitos.
  • Mode C:Además of cóI say four dígitos, transmits the altitude of the aircraft.
  • S mode: The más advanced, uses a digital data link to transmit a large amount of informationóadditional n.

¿Para qué the c are usedóyou say transponder?

Lot cósay transponder performanceñan essential role in securityérea:

  • Identifyóaircraft no.:*
  • The cóI say squawk allows you to identify ráorder each avión.
  • Determinationón of altitude: C mode provides informationón accurate about altitude.
  • communicationón with tr controláI'm theéreo: S mode allows communicationón más efficient.
  • emergencies: In case of emergency, can be assigned cóspecial signals to alert controllers and other aircraft.

CóI say Emergency Transponder

We have reached the part that motivates this post., go cósay emergency transponder. Let's understandáthe sounds are thereé each one of them serves, being very important.

It is worth clarifying, that every day there are planes all over the world declaring an emergency, but this does not always mean that there is a possibility of a catástanza, but the pilots areán taking actions to avoid it and alsoén, the emergency is not always related to the aircraftón, how are we going to learn.

In critical situationsíethics, like a pécommunication lossón, an emergencyédica or a problem téserious clinical, pilots can use cósay transponder specífics to alert traffic controláI'm theéprisoner and other aircraft from their locationón. These cóThese are usually assigned by traffic control.áI'm theéprisoner or activated by pilots.

Lot cóemergency signs are:

  • 7700: general emergency. Indicates that the aircraft isá experimentando una situationón emergency requiring immediate assistance, could be youétechnique, including médica or any other situationón que requiera aterrizaje en el menor tiempo posible según coordinación con el tráI'm theéreo.
  • 7600: Pécommunication lossón. Se utiliza cuando la aeronave no puede comunicarse por radio con el control de tráI'm theéreo.
  • 7500: Interferencia ilíanother. Indica que la aeronave ha sido interceptada o que está siendo amenazada como podría ser un secuestro o intento de uno.

Es importante destacar que el uso indebido de los códigos de emergencia es un delito grave y puede tener consecuencias legales.

I hope this informationón general les sirva para haber aprendido algo nuevo sobre el hermoso mundo de la aviación.

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