Embraer anniversary 55 years Brazil model airplanes 190 195 Toucan 145 135 Legacy

Embraer celebrates its 55 anniversary

The Brazilian manufacturerñO Embraer celebrates its anniversary 55 de fundación, now as one of the references máimportant s of the aero industryáutica. Embraer press photo

Embraer celebrateá are 55º anniversary the próximo 19 of August, inspired by a history marked by excellence in the development of people and products, así as for significant contributions to the aero industryáutica.

With nine thousand aircraft produced and delivered to más de 100 países and a modern product portfolio, The company has currently registered más de 800 patents. Are, along with several other initiatives, drive the virtuous cycle of innovationón continues capable of transforming knowledge into industrial activity with high added value.

55 añEmbraer's

“The aircraft industryáutica brazilña is a global reference and we are proud to celebrate Embraer and its history of achievements. We carry 55 añproducing aircraft, developing technologyíto tip, training highly qualified people and contributing to the development of society”, I sayó Francisco Gomes Net, president and CEO of Embraer. “We look to the future with confidence in the ability of our people to carry out this legacy efficiently, quality, innovación, social responsibility and commitment to an aviationón más sustainable”.

In full integrationón and with an intense exchange of knowledge between all its business units (Aviationón Commercial, Aviationón Executive, Defense and Security, and Services and Support), The company has built a track record of ésuccess guided by trainingón and ratingón of people, technological developmentógic, the innovationón, to identifyón of market opportunities, the planningón strataégica, determine it for usón and creativity.

On 2024, Embraer has been executing its plan to address the increase in productionón of aircraft and the expected future growth with investments, which include research activitiesón and development of new technologiesías.


The development of an aero industryáCompetitive ethics in Brazil beganó in the déeach of 1930 with government and private sector initiatives. Nevertheless, the conceptionón of the creation projectón of the T CenteréCynic Aeronáuseful (CTA) and the Technological InstituteóAeron gameáuseful (ITA) by Ministry of Aeronáutica and led by Air Marshal Casimiro Montenegro Filho in the déeach of 1940 establishedó la orientationón strataélogic for the solidity of the sector, with focus on trainingón of engineers and technological developmentógic.

The nearósite of creating a company capable of transforming science and technologyía in engineeringía and industrial capacity became a reality 19 august 1969, through Decree-Law No.º 770, what does he believeó Embraer, a mixed capital and state-controlled company. The first missionón was to carry out the improvement, the certificationón and productionóIPD project serial number 6504 that gave rise to the avión EMB-110 Bandeirante, under the leadership of engineer Ozires Silva, from the CTA.

in January 1970, Embraer startó its industrial operations in the city of São Ifé two fields, with additional requests from the Brazilian governmentñor to produce the Italian Xavante military jet and the new avión EMB-200 Ipanema fumigator. In his first défall of existence, the company promotedó key contributions to integrationón national throughés of the avión Bandeirante, that I strengthenedó the aviation sectorón regional, developmentó the grandfatherón executive turbohélicense EMB-121 Xingu and startó its first exports.

In the déeach of 1980, with a growing international presence and consolidationándose as a strat companyégica for Brazil, Embraer achievedó technological leapsónew and innovativeó in the development of new products such as the turbohémilitary training license EMB-312 Tucano, the grandfatherón commercial of 30 plazas EMB-120 Brasilia and the jet subsóonly AMX in a cooperationón enters Brazil e Italy.

An intense foríode of financial turbulence marcó the beginning of déeach of 1990 y resultó en la privatizationón of the company in December 1994. Combine itón of a culture of excellence técynical company with a culture of business agility gave the new organizationón a push to recover ráask and recover your positionóleadership in aviationón regional, with the start of deliveries of the jet family ERJ-145, with capacity of 37 a 50 seating, on 1996.

At the beginning of the déeach of 2000, Embraer It was among the largest exporting companies in Brazilñas y aceleró the development of a new family of commercial aircraft, the E-Jets, to consolidateíeven to the company like himíder in the segment up 150 seating. Listed on the stock exchanges of Sãor Paulo and New York, With theíproduction linesón and Brazil and China, It's expansionón global of the company eitheró a diversification strategyón that establishedó I divided itóaviation noón executive with the launch of Legacy business jets 600/650, Phenom 100, Phenom 300, Lineage 1000 y Legacy 450/500. At áDefense Area, the new avióLight attack and training aircraft EMB-314 Super Tucano entersó in operations with the colors of the Force Aérea Brazilña (FAB) and initialsó studies for an avión multimisión, the C-390. In the same déeach, the company tooén developmentó el EMB-202A Ipanema, ethanol powered, the first grandfatherón in the world certified and mass produced.

Embraer was authorized to fly with biofuel and certified in 2004. Spaghettién fundó the Embraer Institute to conduct the company's social actions in a structured way, focusing mainly on educationón.

From 2010, Embraer has experienced a strong process of internationalizationón, with industrial activities now consolidated in Brazil, USA, Portugal y México. Además, the impulse companyó It's expansionón of the services and support network under a dedicated and consolidated business unitó the áDefense and security area to develop projects on land, mar, space and cybersecurity throughéprocurement and trainingón of companies stratumétechnology techniquesía. In the second half of the déeach, new products arrived on the market, Like the E-Jets de segunda generationón, el E2, Tama's executive jetsñor half Praetor 500 y Praetor 600 and the C-390, developed under sophisticated FAB requirements.

On 2020, the innovationón, Sustainability and business efficiency led the recoveryón of the company in the face of the unprecedented impact of the pandemic on the transportation industryéworld criminal. So más inclusive and diversified, keeping highándares de gobernanza corporativa, the successful executionón of the stratum planéI allowed itó the beginning of a new cycle of growth and profitability, with the resumptionón of commercial activity in all business units, creating value for society as a whole. Disruptive projects and alliances alsoén made it possible to start new businesses and createóat EVE, diseñdesigned to accelerate the development of the Mobility A ecosystemébad Urbana.

Hoy, with an order book valued at US$21.1 billion, más de 19.000 employees and a truly global presence, Embraer isá strengthening your positionón as a competitive company focused on building aviationón sustainable of the future.

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