the airíne española Iberia announcementó a significant increase in its capacity on the route from Madrid toward Santo Domingo, RepúDominican War.
Iberia has announced a significant expansión of its operations towards RepúDominican War. For the próxi winter season, that will extendá Since the end of October 2024 until March 2025, the airíne increaseá considerably the númere flight between Madrid and Santo Domingo.
The compañía aéRea reachá until 11 weekly frequencies in January, which represents an increase in 50% in comparisonón with the levels prior to the pandemic. This growth is translatedá In a total offer of almost 125.000 seats during the European winter season, which means an increase in 20% according to theñprevious one.
To deal with this greater demand, Iberia to incorporateá The Airbus A330-300 on this route. This modern avión, which stands out for its efficiency in fuel consumption, offerá To passengers the possibility of flying in the premium tourist cabin. This new class, Available for a slightly higher price than the tourist estáSeparated, provides greater comfort with M seatsás wide, M screensás large and a differentiated service.
With this expansionón, Iberia not only responds to the growing interés of travelers by RepúDominican War, with around 230.000 seats available from Europe, but alsoén reaffirms its commitment to sustainability, When opting for airplanes úlast generationón that reduce its carbon footprint.
Más allá of the general increase that will haveá The seat capacity between España and RepúDominican War, Another news during the PRóXima winter season is to introduceá To a greater extent on this route the useóN Del A330-300, I saw oneón of úlast generationón that offers a reductionón of around 15 % in its fuel consumption regarding its predecessors.
The main change that generates with respect to A330-200 with which this route is operatedúIt is just that it has más seats and offers customers RepúDominican War Premium tourist seats, a totally differentiated cabin that, For a little oneñUnlike price, It has broader and comfortable seats, M screensás large, más Reclusation CapacityóN and leg space and a differentiated experience, With another menú served in dishes, in other aspects.
Iberia operateá The route between Madrid and Santo Domingo up to five times a week with the A330-300.