new low cost Ecuadorian airline project SKY Airline Ecuador will not work it will be canceled it will not take off it will be canceled

no more: New airline project SKY Ecuador will not take off

Regrettably, the creation projectón of a new aerolínea houseéstatic in Ecuador under the name SKY Ecuador it doesn't go más. I tell you whaté it happenedó.

With great joyía compartí as a first in this blog the birth of a new aerolínea houseéEcuadorian aesthetics under the low cost modality. At that moment I was borníto SKY as a subsidiary in our país of the important aerolíchilean nea. Much expectation, alegríand desire to work in this company was generated.

Notó time, the airínea debíto have started the five certification phasesón before the DGAC and start the procurementónumber of personnel, but this did not materializeó and it is very sad news to share.

SKY Ecuador not taking offá

A company joins meás to the list of projects that have not prospered aeronautically in the countryíyes and how do you know, I don't like giving bad news and writing these wordsíNeas makes me very sad to be the más enthusiastic about new routes, aerolílines and growth of aviationón of the Ecuador, but we must say that SKY Ecuador does not take offá.

After months of uncertainty about its certification processón and in the face of challengeíthose that come hand in hand due to the situationón país (which surely affects the decisionón to invest tens of millions), más new growth opportunities in países más interesting in terms of market as is the case of Argentina that now has open skies tooén in cabotage, SKY has decided to end his incursionón in Ecuador.

Vían exclusive official statement for this blog, the airínea detailó the next:

At SKY we are continually evaluating opportunities to operate in different countries.íses. Although Ecuador continues to be an international marketés for us, At the moment we make the decisionónot to move forward with the application for permits to operate in this countryís. This is the definitionón responds to the fact that our efforts areán focused on strengthening our operationón in the paíyou know we currently connect, such as Argentina and Brazil, where we continue to see many growth opportunities.

Very sad news, but we hope that both continental frequencies such as those highly valued by Galápaid when available, are attractive for another company of this magnitude to bet on the país for theí encourage tourism and economyía with better rates and más options to fly.

As usual, followé attentive to the news that may develop in our little oneñor airline market to share them éethical and professional with all of you.

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6 comments on “It doesn't go any further: New airline project SKY Ecuador will not take off”

  1. What a shame, but I'm not surprised by the high tax burden in Ecuador, which is one of the highest in the world, about 20u$ airport tax plus 15% on the base fare when the average is 5u$ while countries like Brazil and Chile do not charge vat.
    For international flights the tax burden is much heavier..
    More airlines are going to come, the issue is to maintain and I find it difficult.

  2. Dog. Gabriel Lanchi Prado

    How sad to know this information.
    I want to consult you about the certification processes of the airlines Aerocondor and Ecuadorian Airlines?

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