Aeroregional Perú S.A.C subsidiary Ecuadorian airline Aeroregional Ecuador flights airlines airplanes information routes

Aeroregional creates a subsidiary in Peru

the airíecuadorian nea Aeroregional move forward with the trámites for creationón of a Peruvian subsidiary under the name Aeroregional Perú S.A.C.

With four operational aircraft models Boeing 737-400 (From) and Boeing 737-500 (From) and operating in Ecuador toward Store, Coca and Santa Rosa and Balboa-Panamá regularly since Quito, más the chárters towards Punta Cana, Caracas, Margarita, Esmeraldas, Cali and others, the airínea Aeroregional aims to seek new markets to continue growing.

Nace Aeroregional Perú

Okay, Your birth is not as new as I already told youé más ahead, but afteréThere are several rumors about Aeroregional's plans to venture into Perú and inclusive incorporate it into itón of one Boeing 767 (I'm sure we'll know about thisádetails soon), they get to know each otherás details thanks to informationón that comes from the país neighbor, where they told me the company isá already in ccertify usón to obtain your respective AOC.

As I told youé before, This Aerol is not so new.íline in trainingón and already from the past 3 October 2023 that Aeroregional Forú S.A.C víto his legal representative and after resolutionón directorial púpublic of the Ministry of Transportation and Managementón Aeron Generaláutica Civil,  obtained the operating permitóaviation noón commercial for transportation toénon-regular international passenger prisoner, cargo and mail (chárter) for the period of 4 años, under the following considerations:

  • With the rights of tráfic that the instruments in force in Peru allowú that regulate non-scheduled passenger service, cargo and mail between Peruú and the following areas and/or points of operationón:
      • Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.
      • Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Cuba, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, The Savior, sharpí, Panamá, RepúDominican War, Saint Lucía.
      • México.
    • EUROPE
      • Germany, Austria, Albania, Andorra, grassús, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Bélogic, Vatican City, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, España, Finland, France, Greece, Hungría, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, Mówhy, Norway, Kingdom of the Paílow ses (Netherlands, Antilles, Aruba), Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), RepúCzech war, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Turquía, Ukraine and Yugoslavia.
    • ASIA
      • Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei ,  Butánl,  Cambodia, China, Cyprus, North Korea, South Korea, Emirates ÁUnited Arabs, Philippines, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Irak, Israel, Japón, Jordan, Kazajstán, Kuwait, Laos, Líbano, Macao, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Aboután, From the packán, Qatar, Singapore, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwán, Tayikistán, East Timor, Turquía, Uzbekistán, Vietnam and Yemen.
      • Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Greetingsón, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papúto New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Old.
    • ÁFEAR
      • Angola, Algeria, Benín, Botswana     , Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, roomún, Chad, Comoros , Ivory Coast,  Djibouti,  Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopiaía, Gabón, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho  , Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mauricio, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Níger, Nigeria, RepúCentral American War, RepúCongo war, República Democrática of the congo, Ruandia,  Santo Tome and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudáfear, Sudán, Swazilandia, Tanzania, Togo, Túnez, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Regarding the airplanes with which the aerolínea plans to operate, el permiso de operationón indicates the following:

  • Boeing 737-300
  • Boeing 737-400
  • Boeing 737-500
  • Boeing 737-700
  • Boeing 737-800
  • Boeing 767-200

And the base of operations will beá located in Jorge Ch International Airportáturn, Lima – Callao.

About Aeroregional Forú

Based on the informationón púlicense available AEROREGIONAL PERU S.A.C. it was createdó the 1 march 2023 for transport vía aéarea and its office is located in Santiago de Surco, Lima.

Sayún la regulationón Peruvian, the company has 6 months to start the certification processón, so continueé updating any news that arises.

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