air traffic in the Andean Community statistics flights routes airlines 2023 Colombia Ecuador Peru Bolivia airports Quito Bogota Lima La Paz

Air traffic increasing in the Andean Community

Prior to the II Andean Forum “Desafíthose of transport toéprisoner in the regionón” we can review the statusístatics of transportationéprisoner inside the Andean Community.

The AñO 2023 marcó a milestone in aviationón commercial of the Andean Community. Data collected by Aeron ManagementáCivil utica of the paísix members and consolidated in the Decisión 650 reveal exponential growth in the tráI'm theéreo, both internationally and intra-community.

In this artíAss we delve into the key figures and analyze the trends that fueled this remarkable rally.

Transportation toéprisoner in the Andean Community on the right track

For the próximo 19 September 2024 from the 9 am in Lima will developá the II Andean Forum focused on transportationéCAN prisoner made up of Colombia, Perú, Ecuador and Bolivia, within this framework, we review the main statesíideas of air travelón inside the block.

The tráI'm theéinternational prisoner in the Andean Community experimentó a yesósmooth growth of 20,2% on 2023, surpassing the 35 million passengers transported. On 2023 Colombia mobilizedó 55,1% of passengers in the Andean Community, followed by Peruú 27,2%, Ecuador 13,2% and Bolivia 4,5%.

The largest increases in tráI'm theéCAN international passenger prisoner was registered in July, August and December 2023. The growth of tráinternational passenger transport of the Andean Community in the úlast month of 2023 it was of 17,1%.

The intra-community market gains strength

The tráI'm theéprisoner among the países of the Andean Community registeredó a growth toún más accelerated, with an increase of 37,5% according to theñprevious one. This dynamism is reflected both in the núnumber of passengers transported (almost 6 millions) as in no.únumber of flights made (43.617).

On 2023 they were transported 5 650 thousands of passengers (arrivals sás outputs) among the países that make up the Andean Community, higher figure in 37,5% according to theñprevious one. At the level of países, to fromálittle of the tráI'm theéintra-community prisoner was the following: Bolivia
registryó an increase of 44,0%; Colombia increaseó on 34,3%; the tráI'm theéguilty of Perú se incrementó 26,7%; and Ecuador leaderó this growth with an increase in 55,7% in the Núpassenger grouper.

The tráI'm theéreo intracomunitario representó 15,9% of the total tráI'm theéinternational passenger prisoner of the Andean Community in 2023. Sayún this percentage structure, 6,4% of the passengers transported in Colombia moved between the países of the Andean Community, followed by Peruú with 4,3%, Ecuador with 4,0% and Bolivia with 1,2%.

The aerosolsídenies

During 2023 the líneas aéareas that operated in the Paísix Members of the Andean Community offered 43 276 thousands of seats on its international flights to and from the world, which they took care of 35 422 miles, representing an occupancy coefficientón of 81,9%. The occupancy rateón registered in Bolivia ascendedó a 79,4%; in Colombia it was locatedó on 83,1%; in Ecuador reachedó 75,3% and, in Perú the occupancy rateón registered in 2023 it was of 83,3%.

On 2023 the main líneas aéareas that carried out international passenger flights in the countriesíses of the Andean Community were: Avianca from Colombia with a total of 8 127 thousands of passengers mobilized, followed by LATAM Perú what to registeró 4 437 thousands of passengers; Panama Copa Airlinesá with a tráI stay 3 991 thousands of passengers; American Airlines con 1 941 thousands of passengers, and Copa Airlines Colombia that mobilizedó 1 461 thousand passengers.

It is fromñalar that, the líneas aéAvianca areas, LATAM Perú, Copa Airlines, American Airlines, Copa Airlines Colombia, Avianca Ecuador, Iberia, Spirit Airlines, LATAM Airlines and LATAM Ecuador concentrated 71,6% of the tráI'm theéinternational passenger prisoner in the
Andean Community in 2023.

Load with different results

The total cargo and mail mobilized in the Andean Community in the yearñO 2023 it was of 1 339 264 tons, figure that representsó an increase of 1,8% according to theñprevious one.

On 2023, the tráBolivian freight and mail rates decreasedó 14,5%; Colombia contracted 2,0% and, the Perú registryó a decreaseón of 1,1%. For his part, the tráEcuador's cargo and mail rate increasedó 12,0%.

During 2023 Colombia mobilizedó 54,4% of the tráI'm theéinternational cargo and mail inmate in the Andean Community, followed by Ecuador with 29,5%, Perú with 15,2% and Bolivia with 0,9%.

A dówhere does it flyás

In the AñO 2023, The five main destinations of passenger departure flights registered in Bolivia were: Perú (1 961 flights), Colombia (1 462 flights), Argentina (987 flights), Brazil (952 flights) and Panamaá (584 flights).

In the case of flights departing from Colombia, The main destinations were the United States (18 121 flights), Panamá (11 171 flights), Ecuador (8 674 flights), Perú (7 036 flights), México (6 719 flights), España (3 686 flights) and Rep.úDominican War (3 122 flights).

in addition, the main paíThe destination of the flights from Ecuador was Colombia (8 654 flights), USA (4 600 flights), Panamá (3 374 flights) and Peruú (2 640 flights).

For úlast, Perú (7 029 flights), USA (5 284 flights), Chile (4 643 flights), México (2 804 flights) and Argentina (2 795 flights), were the main paídestinations of flights that left Peruú in the AñO 2023.

The data of 2023 are a clearñto which the aviationón commercial in the Andean Community is in a moment of great dynamism. The sustained growth of theáI'm theéreo, both internationally and intra-community, reflects the growing integrationón económica and social of the regionón. Nevertheless, It is important to closely monitor the evolutionón of this sector to identify new challengesíos and opportunities.

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