Air accident Brazil ATR Voepass ATR72-500 Sao Paulo preliminary flight report

Voepass ATR Preliminary Accident Report

CENIPA revealedó el análysis and preliminary report of the accident toéATR72-500 flight reo Voepass. Photo screenshot 

A recent accident atéprisoner has mobilized the aeron communityáutica, with researchers trying to unravelñar the causes that led to the tragedy. El anápreliminary analysis that was shared by the Brazilian friend portal Aeroin, reveló the initial data a sequence of events crítics that culminated in the péloss of control of the aircraft.

Voepass preliminary report data

After recovering the black boxes composed of voice and data recorder, The first official data are beginning to come to light pública.

The report indicates that the co-pilot was speaking with the Voepass operational dispatcher on the ground, afterés of the anti-freeze alarm going on and off eight times. The pilots tooén received alerts from péperformance loss while flying in icy conditions at nflight level FL170. Two minutes before control of the aircraft was lost, the co-pilot commentedó: “a lot of ice”.

The investigationón has found that the aircraft's anti-icing systemón was activated several times by the pilots during the flight. Nevertheless, at a given time, the grandfatherón voló for six minutes with an ice warning without the defrost system activating.

Moments before the úlast activationón of the defrost system, a light indicating low speed and pérdida if you takeó in the cabin. This isñalizationón alerts pilots to a conditionón in which the aircraft may be losing liftón, which requires an answer ráask and specify.

Upon entering péfiring, The pilots attempted to regain control by performing a maneuver contrary to the movement of the aircraft. This actionón, although intuitive, I can aggravate the situationón in certain circumstances, giving rise to a péloss of controlún major. The sequence of events culminatedó in a spiral without control or spin, a conditionón de rotationóextreme n of the aircraft around its longitudinal axis, which makes recovery difficultóno and, in many cases, leads to impact with the ground.

Damn itéreo Voepass ATR
Aeroin Image

It is important to highlight that, throughout the accident, the pilots did not declare an emergency or report the problems they were facing to the control tower. This lack of communicationón may have made it difficult for flight controllers to assist or take action to mitigate the situation.ón.

The investigationóComplete report of the accident is still ongoing and will be publishedá a final report when all the evidence is analyzed and the causes of the accident are determined. This process can be long and complex, taking until más of añor complete.

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