anniversary 104 years of creation of the Ecuadorian Air Force FAE 27 October national aviation day show air parade aircraft flights over Quito military aircraft Boeing 737-500 buys

104 years of the FAE and announcement of a Boeing 737

The Force AéEcuadorian areaFAE celebró their 104 añand they came with the incorporation announcementón of one Boeing 737-500 to the transport fleet.

The Force AéEcuadorian area (FAE) celebró un hito histórich as he commemorates his centéfourth anniversary. Base AéMariscal Sucre area, in Quito, if seenó gala to host a ceremony that gaveó tribute to déservice falls and marksó the beginning of a new era for the institutionón. The event, chaired by the Constitutional President of the Republicública, Daniel Noboa Azin, and the Commander General of the FAE, Air General Celiano Cevallos Calderón, gatheredó to authorities, military personnel and aviation enthusiastsón.

104 añof the FAE

The Force AéEcuadorian area (FAE) celebró your anniversaryúmero 104 with a ceremony at Base AéMariscal Sucre area, in Quito. The event, what a commemorationó the beginning of aviationón military in Ecuador, was marked by promotions, oaths and demonstrations toéreas.

And speaking of demonstrationséreas, I leave you the AeroReportaje from the YouTube channel with the entire showéprisoner who did the FAE about Quito for its anniversary:


We must remember history first, the 27 October 1920 the first military aviation school was foundedón in the Ecuador which gave way to what we know today as Force AéEcuadorian area, all this after decidingón of the National Congress of the élittle, That is why it is also celebratedén the díto the aviationónational, moment when everything startedó to conquer the sky of our countryís.

«the aviationóIt is an essential necessity for the Republicública»

President Daniel Noboa headedó the ceremony, together with high military and civil authorities. During the event, Colonel Juan Cuji Santillan was promoted to brigadier general in recognition of his outstanding career. Además, tookó out the oath of the Vigésima Novena Graduationón of Specialist Officers and the Septuagésima Cuarta Graduationón of Weapon Officers and Técynics of the FAE, who began a new stage at the service of the country.

In his speech, the commanding general of the FAE I stand outó the importance of the institutionón in the defense of sovereigntyíto national and highlightó I challenged themíthose who face the force toérea in the current context of threats such as organized crime and announcedó spaghettién the purchase of a Boeing 737-500, which is expected to arrive at the país in the prónext weeks. Máwith informationón about this aircraft and its specific dataíficos lo iré sharing in future installments.

Spaghettién in the participationón of the commanding general of the FAE, stood outó the need to reactivate the super squadsóunique in him país, this in the medium term and understanding that Ecuador currently has other priorities and needs.

The ceremony culminatedó with an impressive demonstrationón aéArea in which various aircraft of the FAE What Hercules C-130H, Twin Otter, Beechcraft 350, Super Tucano, Rough 120, Airbus H145 and the legendary Boeing 737-200, which showed the operational capacity of the institutionón.

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