Boeing 777D is delayed deliveries certification airlines flights mass layoffs jobs workers company

The Boeing 777X is further delayed

bad news for Boeing and their clients, the North American manufacturer announcedó that he 777X its entry into service is delayed until 2026 and with it, say goodbyeá near to 10% of the nócompany mine.

New revés to the already ultra-delayed project of the new and máwith modern avión longest haul passenger in the world, The Boeing 777X suffers new delays in the certification processón.

After several delays, más that are known in the certificationón, from más new bet Boeing to compete with Airbus A350, among various issues with the FAA, the United States Congress and more recently with the engines, has been left for him 2026 the first commercial flights of this giant, that for now, just seeá the sky in an extended process of certificationón.

Boeing delays 777X and cuts thousands of jobs

our business isá in a positionón difícil, and it's difficultíeasy to overvalue the challengesíthe ones we face together. Más allá to navigate our current environment, Restoring our company requires difficult decisionsíciles and we will have to make structural changes to ensure that we can remain competitive and offer our customers long-term.

Así startedó the internal statement shared by Boeing from its president and CEO Kelly Ortberg. An inauspicious message and demonstrates the complex panorama that the manufacturer is going through and that today is deepening with a general strike of workers that has generated new delays in its general deliveries..

Among the situations indicated in the bulletinín, The following is detailed regarding the future of its aircraft:

  • In the 777X program, I challenged themíwe have faced in the development, así such as since the pause of the flight test and the ongoing workers' strike, delayán the lítimeline of our program. We have notified customers that we now expect the first delivery in 2026.
  • We plan to build and deliver the 767 remaining freighters ordered by our customers and then conclude the productionón of the commercial program in 2027. The productionón of the KC-46A Tanker continueá.

With this, the 777X expect to be delivered in 2026, as long as there are no new situations that delay it toún más. Let us remember that initially this avión debíto start their certification flightsón and 2018 and he did itén and 2020, summerá 6 años y mátests.

Mass layoffs at Boeing

Claro isá, with the delays in their líproduction linesón of the MAX and that the bet on the 777X alsoén seeá delays until 2026, job cuts are not long in coming.

In the internal communication alsoéno detailó that together with the previous actions, spaghettién dutyán adjust workforce levels to align with your financial reality and broader setás focused on priorities.

In the prówe cry months, we are planning to downsizeñor our total workforce by approximately one 10%. These reductions includeán executives, managers and employees. La próxth week, your leadership team shareá informationón máPersonalized information about what this means for your organization.ón. basándonos in this decisionón, we will not proceed with the pró10th permit cycle.

Sayún informationón pública de Boeing, más de 170 thousand people work in different departments and áareas of the company, what to representá that más de 17.000 people loseán their jobs in the face of the reality of the manufacturer.

we will keep updating.

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