airline LATAM Ecuador flights flight route Cuenca Quito Galapagos Baltra schedule price cost routes itinerary

LATAM Ecuador acquires two more frequencies to Galapagos

the airíecuadorian nea LATAM Ecuador couldá operate two additional frequencies towards Galápaid, but this time startán and Cuenca.

The possibility that, the two frequencies that were free after the cancelación of Manta to Baltra flights from Avianca Ecuador, go to LATAM Ecuador comeístill ringing for several monthsáyes and they are already becoming concrete.

In fact, from the 26 last july LATAM Ecuador already has the authorizationón official by the Governing Council of the RéSpecial moan Galápaid, with which the aerosolínea can, when it deems convenient, move forward with the trárespective mites, How to request the route formally before Dirección General of Aviationón Civil of Ecuador.

LATAM Ecuador flyá from Cuenca to Galápaid

Good, some mediaón have indicated that the flights beán direct, but in the strict concept técynical, not to beán totally direct, since you will haveán a stop tétechnical in Quito, For this detail I created this publicationón to clarify the concept, I'll tell you nowás details.

As I told youé, the government of Galápaid approvaló that the two frequencies that were free be reassigned to LATAM Ecuador, leaving the permission as follows:

  • Issue T Reportéfavorable cynic for the Aeron AuthorityáNational utica continuedúe with the trácorresponding mite for the modificationón of two (2) transport routes and frequencieséprisoner destined for the province of Galápaid, with the modificationóroute no. ( Cuenca – Quito – Baltra y Baltra – Cuenca – Quito) after checking usón compliance with legal regulations, current and applicable environmental and biosafety regulations, based on what was observed by the members of the Plenary.

As we can see, the route originates from Cuenca, but due to the short runway and height restrictions that the Marshal La Mar, the operationón se hará vía Quito both in the idea and in the return, claro isá, passengers originating from Cuenca with final destination Baltra does not oweán get off the planeón, so the concept of direct sí apply, but not as it was being reported in traditional media.

The route does not flyá direct to Baltra from Cuenca, but always stopá on Quito where to go upán new passengers to Galápaid, what to representá spaghettién the return of direct flights from Marshal Sucre to Baltra by LATAM Ecuador (at the moment alone Avianca does it).

At the close of this publicationón, the airínea has not informedún the start date of these flights, so we will be attentive, since it is the end of October, possibly stayán for him 2025. Spaghettién stayá pending to see if these two frequencies areán incremental to the current ones or replaceán 2 of those already existing between Quito and Cuenca.

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