wamos air officially enters Grupo Abra airline agreement flights routes Avianca GOL

Wamos officially joins Grupo Abra

the airíne española Wamos Air officially enters the Abra Group after complying with the legal conditions of the case. Wamos Air press photo

After compliance with the applicable preceding conditions and obtainingón of the corresponding regulatory approvals, Wamos Air, company líworld leader in wet lease aircraft leasing services, is now part of Open Group. This closure occurs in compliance with the agreement reached last May between the Abra Group and Wamos Air.

Wamos is already part of Grupo Abra

Like Avianca and GOAL, current members of the Group, Wamos Air will maintainá -just as it has done for meás de 21 años- his leadership, mark, talent, teams, culture and operationón, serving dozens of clients around the world independently, while benefiting from efficiencies and scale by becoming part of the Abra Group.

“We are very pleased to announce that the investmentón strataégic in Wamos Air by our Group, is a reality. This news is consistent with the consolidation strategyón of Abra who has sought to reunite emblemáethics compañías. The líneas aéAreas that are part of our group areírights in their markets and business models (Avianca and Gol), which is why welcoming Wamos Air makes perfect sense and isá aligned with our propóconnect site más and better to Américh Latina with the world in a simple way, accessible, reliable and sustainable, now with a fleet of más de 300 planes to serve meás de 130 destinations in más de 25 países de Américh and Europe with a team of about 30.000 people”, I sayó Adrian Neuhauser, CEO of Abra Group.

“We are very satisfied to have been able to complete the closing of this operation.ón that gives way to a new stage for Wamos Air. The Abra Group is an important reference in the industry and we are extremely proud to be able to say that from today we are part of él. A very exciting joint path begins for the companyñíto allow usá address new business strategies, growth and consolidationón, while maintaining the essence of our wet lease business flying for Aerolíneas más important in the world”, assuredó Enrique Saiz, Wamos Air CEO.

“With this inverseón, We officially welcome Wamos Air to our Group. We know that your leadership and expertise, arriveán to add to continue consolidating Abra as one of the groups lítransportation duties toéprisoner in Américh latina,”, said Constantino de Oliveira Junior, Chairman of the Abra Group.

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