THERE IT IS compartmentsó your concernón about productionón of the sustainable aviation fuelón – PURE, which advances más slower than estimated.
The productionósustainable fuel for aviationón (PURE) advance at a slow pace. Despite the efforts of the industry, the growth of this type of fuel, which significantly reduces carbon emissions in aviationón, isá being hampered by various factors.
On the one hand, governments are notán providing the señclear and consistent signals needed to drive investmentón and PURE. On the other hand, Investors are cautious and require greater guaranteesíace before committing large sums of money. Además, lack of adequate infrastructure to produce PURE on a large scale.
To speed up the transitionón towards an aviationón más sustainable, It is essential to increase investments in productionón also SAF, set políclear and coordinated government ethics and create a global framework that facilitates trade in this fuel. Solo así we will be able to reduce the sector's carbon emissions byéprisoner and contribute to the fight against climate changeático.
But, ¿thaté Eastá going?
- On 2024, the volúless productionón of SAF reached 1 millón of tons (1.300 million liters), double the 0,5 millions of tons (600 million liters) produced in 2023. SAF representó the 0,3% of productionóworld market for jet fuel and 11% of global renewable fuel*.
- Esto isá significantly below previous estimates that productionóprojected n of SAF in 2024 with 1,5 millions of tons (1.900 million liters), since the main production facilitiesóSAF companies in the United States have delayed their production ramp-upón until the first semester of 2025.
- On 2025, production is expectedón of SAF reaches the 2,1 millions of tons (2,700 million liters), or the 0,7% of productionón total jet fuel and the 13% of global renewable fuel capacity*.
The growing demand for travel toéprisoners and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions make the development of the PURE sea máIt's urgent than ever. Nevertheless, progress is slow due to a combinationón of economic factorsómonkeys, políticos and youécynical. It is imperative that governments, industry and investors work together to overcome these obstaclesáasses and guarantee a better futureás sustainable for aviationón.
¿SAF is the green future of aviationón?