In this installment we know and visit the very interesting Terminal B of the Punta Cana International Airport, a very different terminal.
Habíhas taken a tour to the Punta Cana Airport más de 3 años, but on that occasion there wasíhas only been able to visit Terminal A since from thereí salíto my flight to Quito, In this new opportunity I was finally able to meet the B, that for a long time there has beeníOhíI have good comments and some spaces that I wantíto know.
Those of us who love aviationóWe do not know that this airport has two VIP rooms with a pool eachno, which makes its main attraction, but as you seeán belowón, this is not everything.
Punta Cana Airport Terminal B
This airport is very interesting, under my sightón, It has two very different terminals, a más low cost such as A where it is only approached by bus or on foot and B, where there are boarding sleeves (although you could still get a bus), which I think is spectacular, since soí They offer two options that surely change the operating price quite a bit for the different types of aerosol.ílines that seek to operate in such a sought-after market.
We start with a video tour of this terminal, that as always, is imágenes are worth máI know that any explanationón written, all available on the YouTube channel:
Terminal B was inauguratedó in february 2009 as the first expansion projectón of PUJ and since then, has been growing and improving, both theí As a tip I let you consider 15 a 20 minutes the time it will takeá arrive from the airline check-in areaílines to the boarding gates más distant, it doesn't seem, but it's a pretty big terminal. It is worth indicating that I saw that it isán carrying out a new extensionón to the terminal.
very pretty, clean, práctic, but it has several aspects that make it stand out the most.íof the region's airportsón. Apart from having swimming pools in their VIP rooms, It has two beautiful outdoor terraces to escape from the air conditioning that is, in my opinion, very high, and alsoén enjoy without limitations the activity on the platform of the múmultiple aerosolíyou know what ahí operate, from places as distant as Germany.
Passengers can enjoy VIP lounges, a varied gastronomic offerómica, duty free stores, connectedón Free Wi-Fi 3 hours and specialized assistance services that I have not seen in other airports.
To take advantage of the máEnjoy your trip, It is advisable to arrive at the airport well in advance.ón, especially during peak seasons and soí spaghettién you enjoy the facilities, whether the terraces or the beautiful VIP rooms. Since we're talking about cóhow to get there, I only saw Uber as options to do it., taxi tourist transportístic previously hired.
Flights and airídenies
Con más de 9.2 million passengers per year, This is the main airport RepúDominican War and attracts meás de 617 weekly flights to 58 different airports in 27 países.
Of all these flights a large part, diríabout him 50%, They operate from Terminal B, from which the following airlines operateídenies:
- Aerolíneas Argentinas,
- On the Caribbean,
- Air Century,
- American Airlines,
- Avianca,
- Arajet,
- British Airways,
- Copa Airlines,
- Delta Airlines,
- Edelweiss,
- Frontier Airlines,
- Iberojet,
- Southwest
- y United
How important is it?és sure dóWhere your airport operates at Punta Cana Airport, so that theí avoid problems and potentially, miss your flight, although the good thing is that from Terminal A to B you are separated by one ráask for a bed from no más de 10 minutes.
further, if you want to know meás details of the VIP room with pool, I share this other Aero Report with más details of these spaces:
If you have ever passed through this airport, déjame know your experience in the comments.