After recent changes, We update the list of países to which we Ecuadorians can travel only with our passport or just with cédrama no visa required.
It is no secret that the ecuadorian passport it's the mostás débiles of the región and we need a visa for many important parts of the world such as Europe, USA, Canadaá and others, but there are some países to which we can travel without a visa only with our passport and in other cases, only with the cédrama.
Así what, It is 2025 We will update the list in favor of Ecuador, has changed.
Updated 2025: paíYou know that Ecuadorians can travel without a visa and only with a passport or cédrama
Specifically for this 2025 and after the changes that were positive for the país, the list looks like thisí with 75 paíyou know they don't ask us for a visa 193 territories:
- Andorra
- Argentina (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Bahamas
- Bangladesh
- Benín
- Bermuda
- Burma
- Bolivia (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- Brazil (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- Cape Verde
- Caribbean Netherlandsés
- Qatar
- Chile (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- China
- Vatican City
- Colombia (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- South Korea
- Curacao
- Dominica
- The Savior
- Emirates ÁUnited Arabs
- Philippines
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- Cain Islandsán
- Israel
- Jamaica
- Kazakhán
- Kiribati
- Kosovo
- Liberia
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Malaysia
- Malí
- Mauricio
- Mauritania
- Micronesia
- Moldavia
- Mówhy
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Mozambique
- Nauru
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Aboután
- Panamá
- Papúto New Guinea
- Paraguay (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- Perú (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- República Democrática of the congo
- RepúDominican War
- Russia
- Samoa
- San CristóBal and Nieves
- San Marino
- Saint Lucía
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- St Martin
- Swaziland
- Sudáfear
- Thailand
- Tayikistán
- Togo
- Tonga
- Turquía
- Tuvalu
- Uruguay (spaghettién only with cédrama)
- Uzbekistán
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
I leave you a list of additional recommendations that you should take into account when planning your trip.:
- Renew your passport with time since there are delays in this process.
- Your passport, in the great majoría of cases, must have 6 months valid at the start of the trip, but I always recommend having más time that the míencouragement to avoid problems.
- The biggestíone of these paíare required to arrive from Ecuador, we have to make a stopover in the Schengen area, Consider booking your flight to avoid having to process that visa just to make a stopover.
On the other hand, remember that there are these paíyou tooén that we can travel only with cédrama:
Let's hope this list improves over time and más paíthe doors will open to us without a visa.
Missing China. Ecuadorians can go without a visa
Hello there! So is, I just have some information that could take away that benefit from us., but I need to confirm it.
The visa exemption was signed with the United Arab Emirates but I don't know how long it has been in force.
Hi Guillermo, effectively, was signed, but it is not valid yet, That's why I haven't put it on yet..
An Ecuadorian can travel only with a passport to San Marino??
According to the Foreign Ministry list, Yes.
You have a virtual girlfriend from that country?
It would be good that you could also go to Mexico without life, I urgently need to go but I only have the passport
Hi, friend, that was before, But they already gave us a visa about two years ago due to the increase in illegal migration to the United States..