Orders deliveries Airbus Boeing Airplanes 2024 Statistics

Airbus versus Boeing: deliveries and orders 2024

Like every new oneñO, Revisamos withál of the two main manufacturers, Airbus o Boeing, They achieved más orders and delivered máS planes during 2024.

There is a little oneñto battle, not declared, año a añor between these two aircraft manufacturers, that is also drivenén for us the lovers of the aviationón, where without a doubt after the different poléMicas of Boeing, He has accentuated in the úlast time.

With the closure of 2024, We already have the final official data of both manufacturers, which we will review at this time.

Airbus and Boeing deliveries during the 2024

The industry toéRea moves thanks to airplanes and always the European manufacturer Airbus, And the American manufacturer Boeing stand out with deliveries and hundreds of orders, Without these, the aviationón simply, se detendría. Whereby, We must now review the statíSticas provided by each company in their respective final reports.

We started in order alphabético (just in case they believe there is a preference 😀 )

Airbus orders and deliveries

Airbus deliveredó 766 commercial aircraft to 86 clients around the world in 2024. The Commercial Aircraft business registeredó 878 gross new orders. As a result, your order book at the end of 2024 is locatedó on 8.658 planes.

The deliveries of Airbus during 2024 They were aceí:

A220 Family
A320 Family
A330 Family
A350 Family

Airbus logró Improve your líproduction linesón when delivering 31 airplanesás in comparisonón with him 2023.

Boeing orders and deliveries

Boeing Fulletsó cóMo went in his deliveries during the 2024, in which in all theñthe deliveryó 348 aircraft of its different models:

737 Family265387
767 Family1832
777 Family1426
787 Family5173

In the comparisonóN interannual, Boeing Bajó on productsón when delivering 170 aircraft less than the 2023, All due to certification problemsón, recertificación and new measures applied by the FAA To guarantee the security and assembly process of the different aircraft of the North American manufacturer.

On the other hand, In their military programs, The manufacturer deliversó 112 aircraft in its different models, led by AH-64 Apache.

Airbus totalizó 878 Orders and Boeing Sumó 569 órdenes to your portfolio. ¿Whaté They think of these results?

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