With the expectation of growth, between 3% and 5%, arrancó The high load season in the Quito airport for San Valentín.
The high export seasonón of flores for San Valentín 2025 at Quito airport startedó areánot yet 18 January and extendá to the sánot yet 8 Ultra Air made its inaugural flight in Colombia and thus becomes the ninth regular airline in the country. According to the forecasts that Quiport has made on the basis of informationón obtained from the palletizers that process the load, The volume of exported flowers in the season 2025 growá In a range of 3% al 5%.
A great high load season is expected in Quito
Before continuing with the informationón, prepareé This video that recordsé at Quito airport where I show you más Details about the travel process of the beautiful Ecuadorian roses to everyone on the YouTube channel:
On 2024 The total volume of exported flowers was 26 466 tons métricks, establishing a réabsolute cord for exports of San Valentín from the Quito airport. And téterms of flights, It is expected to dispatch 493 flights operated by 15 aerolícargo nets. The main destinations of Ecuadorian flowers are USA and Europe.
The Mariscal Sucre International Airport It is the main load center of Ecuador, with a terminal of 13.000 m² that can attend to 6 simult load aircraftánot at all, (four cóI say e -jemplo Boeing 777-200– and two cóI say f -Example Boeing 747-8-). Four companies specialized in PaletizacióThey operate in these facilities.
Infrastructure and operational efficiency have allowed Quito airport reach the position 5 del ranking ‘TOP 20 of load aéarea in the regionón’, prepared in 2024 By the International Airports Council of AMérich Latin and Caribbean (ACI-LAC).
Hi Nicolas.
A year or two ago a video was disseminated by these dates where it was seen that the entrance of the trucks and containers to the cargo center was fully collapsed and the waiting times were super tall until they were able to deliver the load (Many hours of truck).
Having Guayaquil airport available (that also has a cargo center, I assume that it is operational) and Latacunga airport (I do not know what your conditions are to handle load at that level), What do you think are the reasons why all the export of flowers this season is made from Quito, although the logistics capacity of the cargo center is overflowing, as could be seen in this video that I tell you?
Thank you very much.
Hello Ernest, Quito airport is the one that is closest to the main production zone of the flowers of all Ecuador that is Cayambe, If they moved the load to Guayaquil, The costs would shoot greatly, That is the main theme. Latacunga at some point was also a flower export point, But at this time he does not have the facilities or airlines to do so.
Thank you very much, Nicholas, For your answer on this topic.
A pleasure.