biometric doors e-gates migration international departures international airport of Quito Mariscal Sucre flights airlines destinations routes

Biometric doors enabled at international exits from Quito

They were enabled in the Quito Mariscal Sucre Airport the first biom doorsétricas en la zona de migrationónumber of international departures. Photo Quiport

The Ministry of the Interior together with the Corporationón Quiport S.A. They work hand in hand to automate the arrival and departure immigration control systems at the Mariscal Sucre airport in Quito.

It is 16 of January of 2025, at the airport facilities, was inauguratedó and put into operationón the new immigration control system called E- Gate (electric doorsóunique) what to serveán to expedite the entry and exit process of Ecuadorian citizens on international flights.

Migrationón biomeétrica at Quito Airport

I participated in the eventó Ramón Meó, president of Quiport; ya Gripe, Subsecretaria de migrationóN of the Interior Ministry, who opened this new system to serveá to the passengers, both at your entrance and output of the PAís, reducing waiting time and rows in migration windowsón.

E-gate can be used by Ecuadorian citizens of legal ageécitizen dulaíA Pasaporte Electrónico o biométrico.

Access is simple and friendly. They should only click on the T screenáCTIL and press the botón Start, then dutyán scan the CóI say QR of the boarding pass, Choose the document for registration and scan the CóI say Mrz (cóI say that it consists in the lower right of the CéIdentity dula and passport).

Once these steps have been completed, The digital team takes a photographía of the citizen's face, which is validated. If no news or alert is recorded in the System, the accesses will openán and canán continue with your destiny, opposite case, the screen will inform youá that you should go to a counter where you caná attended by immigration personnelón.

It is important toñalar that, For international departures the E-Gate can be used for the following destinations only with cédula or passport: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Perú. passport only: Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana.

in addition, we remind you that, I use itón of the cédula must be for direct flights whose final destination is the paípreviously mentioned, in the case of scales, for example Panamá, Passport is mandatory.

For international arrivals, couldá carry out your immigration control of entry to Ecuador, regardless of the destination from which it comes, You only have to meet the requirements set out above..

The time it takes for citizens to go through the E-Gates for immigration control ranges from 30 seconds to a minute, before this took 3 minutes approximately. Avoid lines and expedite immigration registration throughés of the System.

Miró, President of Quiport, thank youó the joint work carried out with the Ministry of the Interior that has allowed this innovationón and assuredó what, «the technologyíallows us to improve efficiency and security in processes such as immigration control with the new biom doorsétricks.»

For his part, Gabriela Pogo, Subsecretaria de migrationón, finalizeó the event isñalando that: “These actions demonstrate the commitment of the Ministry of the Interior to innovation.ón, continuous improvement and promoting security in the immigration process”.

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