LATAM transported 82 million passengers in 2024

The LATAM Group informó that transportó 82 million passengers during the 2024, which represents a growth of 11% Compared to him 2023. LATAM press photo

During the month of December, the group LATAM transportó 7,3 million passengers, which represents an increase in 5,4% in comparisonón with the same month from toñprevious one. Total, the group mobilizedó 82 million passengers between January and December 2024, a 11% más in comparisonón a 2023, marking theí the largest núgroup of passengers transported histórichly.

Más de 82 million passengers transported by LATAM in 2024

At the same time, the group LATAM increaseó its consolidated capacity in December, measurement in seat-kiloómeters available (ASK), in a 10,9% in comparisonón in the same month asñprevious one. This growth was driven, principally, for an increase of 16,1% in the group's international offer. During this period, New international routes were inaugurated from Lima in Peruú, to Montego Bay in Jamaica, and Rosario in Argentina, así as from Santiago de Chile towards Bariloche in Argentina, Recife and Brazil and Punta del Este in Uruguay.

And téannual terms, the group LATAM increaseó its consolidated capacity in a 15,1% in comparisonón with 2023, in líne with him úlatest growth guidance updated last October.

During December, the employment factorón consolidated was a 84,8% and considering theñor complete reachó a 84,3% which is 1,2 percentage points higher than in 2023.

On the other hand, on load, the capacity of the LATAM group, measured in tons-kiloómeters available (ATK), increaseó in a 11,8% in relationón to December 2023, arriving like thisí to the 747 million tons-kiloómeters available.

The following table summarizes the main statesíoperational statics for the month, quarter andñor accumulated as of December of the group LATAM:

LATAM passengers transported 2024 statistics flights cargo destinations routes Ecuador COlombia Peru Chile Brazil


  1. DoméSSC static refers to domestic operationséLATAM Airlines Chile statics, LATAM Airlines Colombia, LATAM Airlines Ecuador y LATAM Airlines Perú.
  2. Doméstico Brazil refers to domestic operationséLATAM Airlines statics
  3. International refers to the international operations of LATAM Airlines Brazil, LATAM Airlines Chile, LATAM Airlines Colombia, LATAM Airlines Ecuador, LATAM Airlines Perú y LATAM Airlines Paraguay.

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