We review the status dataíStics of the 2024, añor in which there was a réCORD OF INTERNATIONAL OUTPUTS OF Ecuadorians TO PAíses throughout the world.
Within añor very complicated for the PAís that we have reviewed in several publications in this blog, There is a stayíparticular stica that does not necessarily mean that people areá traveling más for enjoying a good vacation, but couldíto be interpreted as a reflection of the security crisis, theéCTRICA AND ECON INSTABILITYóMica that faces Ecuador.
Claro isá, of the figures we are going to check, An important part of travelers Sí They are tourists or travelers that we usually use the different means of transport for their annual plans, But there is an interannual trend and this is upwards, no doubt driven by migrationón.
Ecuadorian exits during the 2024
Specific, the Añor past 1.857.418 Ecuadorians left the PAíspor vía aérea, land, maríTima and river, which represents an increase in 8.10% in comparisonón with him 2023 When we go out 1.712.731 of outdoor travelers, This means a growth of 144.687 travelers más.
The monthly behavior of 2024 was the following:
Mes | Travellers |
01-ene | 117,191 |
2-Airbus press photo We start a review of the most important news | 154,899 |
3-Mar | 180,923 |
04-abr | 163,521 |
5-May | 160,453 |
6-Jun | 127,659 |
7-Jul | 160,889 |
08-ago | 199,966 |
9-Sep | 153,155 |
10-Oct | 154,197 |
11-Nov | 147,176 |
12-dic | 137,389 |
August was the month MáS High of Travelers, that adds to the high season from medium toñor for vacations at the PAís, in which it arrivesó almost to 200 A thousand Ecuadorians coming out of the PAís, another récord.
Discriminated by transportation, the statesíStica are leftí:
- Aérea: 1.458.793
- Fluvial: 1.116
- Maríteam: 9.287
- Land: 388.222
It is key at this point to indicate that, during the 2024 spaghettién was a récord of international outputs by Vía aéarea and land that is not seeníto from the 2016.
ComparativeóN interannual
A mentioné Alcanza trend, for it, ponderé In context, the annual exits of Ecuadorians in the úlast toños, Sure, leaving behindáIt's the pandemic, The trend is clear:
AñO | Departures |
2016 | 1.550.898 |
2017 | 1.547.312 |
2018 | 1.497.680 |
2019 | 1.544.708 |
2020 | 508.095 |
2021 | 867.973 |
2022 | 1.357.644 |
2023 | 1.712.731 |
2024 | 1.857.418 |
If we analyze before the pandemic, The annual average of Ecuadorian exits is maintainedíto in 1.5 million annually, but since 2023 We start to see sustained growth, what will there beá to see if this 2025 is maintained or not.
To qué paíSES traveled más Ecuadorians during 2024
Then, With these R numbersécord, ¿cuáThey were the paídestination ses más quoted during the 2024? The statesíStica are revealing:
Paídestination s | N° travelers |
United States of América | 562,969 |
Perú | 341,920 |
Colombia | 330,498 |
España | 95,229 |
Panamá | 79,192 |
The Savior | 70,408 |
RepúDominican War | 59,967 |
Argentina | 56,799 |
Chile | 44,702 |
México | 40,789 |
Brazil | 29,506 |
Italy | 17,531 |
Canadaá | 13,368 |
Aruba | 10,662 |
Germany | 8,938 |
Costa Rica | 6,318 |
Cuba | 5,800 |
United Kingdom | 5,587 |
France | 5,495 |
Guatemala | 4,536 |
Turquía | 4,349 |
Venezuela | 4,290 |
Curacao | 4,102 |
China | 3,922 |
Paílow ses | 3,562 |
Bolivia | 3,549 |
Paraguay | 3,242 |
International waters | 3,234 |
Uruguay | 3,122 |
Switzerland | 2,905 |
Honduras | 2,709 |
Portugal | 2,500 |
Australia | 1,838 |
Puerto Rico | 1,782 |
Emirates ÁUnited Arabs | 1,741 |
Bélogic | 1,584 |
Nicaragua | 1,557 |
Bahamas | 1,190 |
Japón | 1,012 |
Egypt | 1,008 |
South Korea | 986 |
Russia | 820 |
Israel | 604 |
Thailand | 584 |
Hungría | 560 |
Austria | 553 |
Hong Kong (China) | 416 |
Venezuela | 413 |
Sweden | 407 |
Treatmentçto the | 391 |
Jamaica | 380 |
These data are worth checking them MáS deeply, for instance, in the case of USA To which 33,068 más Ecuadorians traveled versus 2023, a Colombia We travel 2,689 más people, But I saw itó one of the increases Más a Perú with de 63,147 travelers that place it for the first time in history in second place, a The Savior 20.303 más, RepúDominican War 17.134, Chile 6,732 new travelers and aceí other markets have seen an increase that compensatesó, and including Pemió that he 2024 It was a réCord in outputs.
¿Whaté They think of this data? ¿They are regular travelers or Sí there are más Ecuadorians going out for various migratory reasons? I read them in comments and networks.