the grandfatherón demonstrator XB-1 from Boom Supersonic becameó in the grandfatherón civil one break the sound barrier after más de 20 años, When completing your first Supers flightónico.
Everything points to the future return of Supers commercial planesóonly recovering the legacy of the Concorde, The private company Boom Supersonic has taken an important step towards that goal.
¡Histórico! Boom Supersonic, The company that seeks to revolutionize trips toéinmates with your avión Overture, has achieved a transcendental milestone: El XB-1, are aviódemonstration noón, ¡to breakó The sound barrier!
First Supers flightónico del XB-1
Piloted by the Boom test chief pilot, Tristan “Gesture” Brandenburg, The XB-1 entranceó To the Supers corridoróNico and reachedó an altitude of 35,290 feet before accelerating to Mach 1.122 (652 Ktas o 750 mph), Breaking the sound barrier for the first time. Histórichly, super planesóNicos have been the work of states-nación, developed by military and governments. The super flightóNico of the XB-1 marks the first time that a developed jet independently breaks the sound barrier.
Total, the grandfatherón Rompió The barrier 3 the veces Durante Su surgeryón in the día histórico.
TechnologyíA Punta for the future of travel
XB-1 is not just speed; Incorporates Technologíadvanced as well aséto beán Present at the Overture, the grandfatherón of passengers supersóNico de Boom. They include:
- System of VisitsóIncreased reality n: Allows pilots to have a clear visibility of the track during takeoff and landing.
- AerodináDigital optimized mica: A DESIGNñor innovative that guarantees efficiency and stability at supersóunique.
- Carbon fiber compounds: Light and resistant materials that improve the performance and efficiency of avión.
The way to the return of Supers flightsónicos
This milestone is a crucial step towards the return of Supers flightsóNicos for passengers. Overture, the grandfatherón in development, promises to take to 80 passengers at speeds twice higher than those of current aircraft, ¡reducing drásatically travel times!
Overture has a request for orders 130 Orders and Predidos of American Airlines, United Airlines and Japan Airlines. On 2024, Boom completó the constructionón of the superfactoría Overture en Greensboro, North Carolina, climbingá To produce 66 Overture aircraft by AñO. Optimized for speed, safety and sustainability, Overture and its propulsi systemón to measure, Symphony, Eastán designñattached to work with up to a 100% from aviation fuelón sustainable (PURE).