Iberia Record Summer Flights Routes Ecuador Colombia Peru Chile Argentina MEXICO BRAZIL TOKIO DOHA

Iberia offers seat record for summer 2025

Iberia announcementó what to offerá a RéSeating Cord in the Great MayoríA of destinations by increasing frequencies for the summer season 2025.

El próximo 29 March begins the summer season for the Turístic, in which Iberia has planned an increase in capacity in PRáCutically all markets.

They stand out, above all, The routes with Américh latina, where the aerosolíne española es líindisputable with the greatest núgroup of destinations, 18 on 16 países. On 2025 be registeredá connectivity más high of all its history, overcoming even the figures of Añor past, with 3,2 millions of seats between Both regions, a 4 % más that in 2024. This is más de 300 weekly flights.

New réIberia seat cord

Buenos Aires and São Paulo to experimentán the greatest increase in weekly frequencies, añAdando in both cases 3 flights per week. Así, Buenos Aires tellá This season with 21 weekly frequencies, that is to say, three daily flights.  AND São Paulo move upá until 14 weekly frequencies, consolidating the two daily flights.

Lima summerá also an additional frequency, so that this summer isá possible to fly to the Peruvian capital twice to DíFrom May.

Iberia Bet on maintaining the proposal madeñor past in the rest of Am destinationsérich latina, y así México and Bogotaá maintenanceán this summer the triple newspaper, and Montevideo and Quito The newspaper.

For his part, Santiago de Chile tenderá 10 weekly frequencies the first part of the season and from June upá, like añor past, to the 11 Weekly flights. RíJanuary's maintenanceá The five weekly frequencies, Caracas discommateá between three and five weekly flights depending on the month, and Guayaquil tellá with three frequencies a week.

In Centralamérich and Caribbean the offer also remains similar to 2024. Puerto Rico, Santo DomingoCosta Rica, Guatemala and The Savior maintenanceán the daily flight. Panamá tenderá up to four frequencies a week and Havana followá with three weekly frequencies.

Iberia tooén grows in the United States

Iberia Fly direct, without scales, a New York (2 diaries), Chicago (1 daily), Miami (2 diaries), Dallas (1 daily), The Ádrooling (1 daily), San Francisco (3 frequencies per week), Boston (2 diaries) and Washington (1 daily).

Precisely these two úWe wereán those who experience greater growth this summer, duplicating in the case of Boston the offer of 2024 from 1 a 2 daily flights from June; and climbing 4 a 7 Weekly frequencies to Washington. Both destinations beán operated by the new aircraft A321XLR, narrow fuselage model but with the capacity to cross the ATLáantique, And of which Iberia has been the aerolíNEA world pitcher.

Tokyo and Doha remain stable

The flights a Japón They started last season, the 27 October, with three frequencies a week, on Monday, thursday and sábadass. This summer season will remainán the amount of frequencies, so that it will be offeredán near 63 000 April to October seats. During the first months of operationón the occupation factorón in the silo superioral 90 %.

The flights a Qatar spaghettién se maintainendrán without changes the PRópeak summer season, With a direct daily flight between Madrid and Doha operated by Iberia, to which the two additional are added in CóI say shared with Qatar Airways, so that you caná fly between Madrid and Doha three times to Día. This route allows not only to travel to point, but connect from Doha with 49 destinations in Asia, 17 on Áfear, 18 in the Middle East and 6 in Oceanía.

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