¿Whaté notó With the hunting aircraft of the FAE and dutyímasters have a supersal fleetónica? We analyze this current issue in Ecuador of the fleet of supersónicos.
Today we are going to immerse ourselves in an issue that awakens a lot of curiosity and nostalgia in Ecuador: super planesóonly of our Force AéEcuadorian area (FAE). ¿Whaté notó, We need them and cuánto costaría
With the video you can see belowón, was generatedó a series of comments and observations on the lack of supers combat hunting aircraftóonly in our noble strength toérea:
Thanks to these comments, was generatedó A DISCUSEón very interesting about the present Supersónico and what for many, dutyíTo be an almost immediate future: Recover supers capacityóunique for the defense of our space toéreo.
¿Whaté notó With the Supers fleetóFAE unique?
To know the news we must go back to the history of the Supers Combat Aircraftóonly of the Force AéEcuadorian area And everything initiatesó on 1977. It is añO, exactly the 14 from January, The 12 Sepecat Jaguar is for land attack, giving way to creationón of the first squadrón supersóNico in our País, which operated until 9 September 2002.
two toñundress themés, FAE incorporates the Dassault Mirage F1 as avión multipropósite, flying in Taura for the first time the 26 June 1979, is 18 aircraft withdrawn from serviceñO 2010 after 31 añin service and más de 33.000 flight hours.
ones toñundress themés and 1982 with the aim of modernizing supers capacitiesóFAE unique, the Ecuador Acquire 12 AIR AIA KFIR C.2 (be updatedían a la Versión at the posteriorly) like your ancestorsón versatile. After 30 añthose of service, They were removed from the fleet in 2012.
Between Kfir and the Cheetah, We'll talk, There is an avión of which very little is spoken or known: Mirage 50 donated by Venezuela. these planes 6 aircraft arrived 29 October 2009 A cord, pen sustainón was very short due to lack of maintenance and spare parts to keep them operational.
Shortly before retirementón of the Kfir, the Force Aérea incorporó 12 Atlas Cheetah C for hunting and versatile functions in 2011. Given the short life you already haveíAn these aircraft when they are acquired second -hand and if you have not planned your extensionóN of the maintenance program, They stopped flying 2019 and the úlast aircraft in operational capacity withdrawaló on 2021, solo 10 añI in service afterés.
Since then the país has not had anyún grandfatherón caza supersónico, generating many comments about the real need or not having this type of aircraft.
We have no Supers airplanesónicos, ¿and now?
We are living in peacetime and without international threats that affect our sovereigníA short and medium term, This as Visión of some readers. It is mentionedó THE NARCO TRáfico, But for this we are protected with the Super Tucano.
On the other hand, others comment that ever isá by más be protected taking into account the story and it is important to have a force toédeterioration to make us respect in situations that could occur, spaghettién points váread.
¿Cuál is the decisionón correct?
I decided itón of recovering supersal capacityóNica is a questionón complex that requires an anácomprehensive cost analysis, benefits and priorities of the PAís. What is undeniable is that FAE has a rich story on aviationón supersónica, And the debate about his future is still open.
Do it or not, You must go for the ANálysis of the indicated points, But mainly the EconomóMico and social based on the situationócurrent n of país. ¿There are priorities máU Urgent and there is a budget? We must respond as citizens.
¿Cuánto costaríTo have Supers hunting airplanesónicos?
To contribute to debate, It is important to be clear about the approximate costs that an acquisitionón Como isá to implyíA for the General State Budget.
The best current reference is that of Argentina, whose force aéa budget of $650 millions of dóLares Para Reactivar Su surgeryón supersóonly with second -hand aircraft. This value is divided into $312 millions of dóLares for the purchase of weapons and spare parts, while the $338 remaining are for incorporationón of 24 F-16 aircraft in flight conditions MáS Uno isáTraining Tico.
We are talking más de $13 millions of dóLares by second -hand units, A quite good value if we take into account the conditions and país of origin. Claro isá, These values only represent a part of what is comingá for Argentina What is training, trainingón, Infrastructure and operational costs to fly these aircraft, and much moreás.
We talk about values higher than $1.000 millions quietly. Of course, these values can increase substantially if aircraft más new or modern. Let's take into account the budget that perú Eastá allocating for this purpose, which exceeds the $3.500 millions of dóhomes.
¿Cuánto costs an avión new hunting?
Among the different market options we have the following list prices, Only for the avión (estimated values and depend on many factors):
- Sukhoi su-27 – Russia: from $20 million per unit.
- KAI T-50 Golden Eagle – South Korea: from $30 million per unit.
- Saab 39 Gripen – Sweden: from $40 million per unit.
- Eurofighter Typhoon – Unión European: from $70 million per unit.
- Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet – USA: from $102 million per unit.
- McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle – USA: from $110 million per unit.
I leave two questions for the debate:
- ¿Ecuador must buy fighter planes?
- If the answer is Sí, ¿thaté Hunting aircraft dutyíTo buy Ecuador?
I read them in the comments.
Pues podrían ser entré 12 a 24 aviónes cuáles podrían ser f-16 de segunda mano o aviónes Gripen pues los vecinos ya están en busca de aviónes de combate y Ecuador se está quedando atrás en ese ámbito mínimo un caza para tener algo de presencia en la región y no estar vulnerables aun que sean tiempos de paz nunca hay que olvidar lo que nos hicieron en 1941
Hello Francisco, I understand, pero ¿consideras tú que por tener 12 aviones es suficiente para no ser vulnerables, cuando en realidad lo que habría ante tu preocupación por los vecinos sería reforzar todas las FFAA y eso incrementa aún más los miles de millones que se necesitan?
12 es mejor que nada. As usual, un escuadrón estaba operativo mientras el otro permanecía en tierra para mantenimiento. Lo ideal serían 24. Here, la nueva presidencia jugará un papel clave en las negociaciones, si es que hay interés, ya sea con EE.UU. por los F-16 o con otra nación, como Suecia y sus Saab.
Más que nada, todo dependerá del presupuesto, son miles de millones y muchas necesidades en el país.
Good day
Lamentablemente no hay la seguridad de que el pais pueda estar tranquilo sin amenazas externas, de ahi que si se necesita la adquisiciòn de equipos caza
Mi criterio es que se deberìa tomar una opciòn simlar a la argentina, es decir aviones de segunda mano F16, tengo entendido que Perù tiene cazas rusos de 4ta generaciòn y el F 16 podrìa ser disuasivo
Hi jimmy, ¿consideras que solo por tener aviones caza un país se vuelve disuasivo? On the other hand, ¿de dónde se lograrían estos recursos más aún con otras necesidades en el país más importante?
Yes, But due to the capacity of the small Ecuadorian air space and the minimum possible war scenarios in peacetime, At least should acquire 5 American F-16 hunting aircraft biplaza by joint military cooperation agreement with the US. With mixed capital investment (state and private).
It is an interesting idea of the theme of a few F-16 to maintain an operational supersonic fleet and pilots enabled for that purpose.
Obviously 🇪🇨ecuador, Ecuadorian Air Force must have hunting airplanes, the number the minimum 18 O 24 fighters ideal 48 O 72 fighters, The model one of the 3 or the JF-17 III of origin 🇨🇳chino but changing the technology and armament for one 🇫🇷 French or 🇮🇱 Israelita, Second option the SAAB 39 Fruit or third F-18 Super Hornet of 🇺🇸
It would be very interesting, But and the budget of billions for all those planes?
Nicholas, la inversión disuasiva es la más efectiva, luego no estaremos lamentando.
F 16 de 2da mano para mantener una aviación supersónica no es mala idea, pero la lección en Ucrania, en la cual U.S.A. ha presionado y cortando la asistencia militar a ése heroico país es para tomarse muy en cuenta.
Los Gripen unos 18 aviones Nuevos y con todos los «juguetes» que le acompañan es una opción viable y por unos 25 a 30 años por delante y sin las preocupaciones de vetos por parte de otros países. También negociar un retorno en ingeniería y otros beneficios para el Ecuador.
También tomar en cuenta el tiempo de formación de pilotos y personal de mecánicos e ingenieros es de algunos años.
Muchos temas que tomar en cuenta, but above all, budget, ¿de dónde se obtienen esos miles de millones? In my opinion, pensar en solo aviones como una actitud disuasiva no es suficiente.
Excellent article, By tradition of Ecuadorian aviation, supersonic aircraft should be acquired, But there is the point unfortunately what maintenance and operation costs are very high in the country's fine situation
I agree Carlos, That is the problem at this time.