New Robinson R88 Helicopter

Robinson returns to present a new helicopter: The R88

after almost 15 añthose waiting, The company specialized in Helicópteros Robinson again present a new helicóptero: The R88.

Robinson Helicopter Company (RHC) announcementó Your first completely new aircraft in almost 15 años, The R88, a helixóptero máS big and every time máS capable, diseñado to satisfy a range MáS broad MISI requirementsón, maintaining reliability, distinctive affordability and securityñía. The R88 represents an expansiósignificant n Robinson Helicopter's product portfolio, addressing Helic's growing demandóutilitarian pteros monomotor verseáTiles and profitable.

The new Robinson R88

The R88, highly configurable, Eastá diseñado for a variety of missions, including extinciónumber of firesérea, Transport MéI say toéreo, utility works, passenger transport and más. Your designñor adaptable interior allows a ráask for reconfigurationón, supporting diverse needs of MISIón.

Robinson Helicopter Company Selectó The Safran Helicopter Engines Arriel 2W engine for R88 and Está providing motor service and supportíderes in the market as part of each aircraft purchase in the new Arrtiel 2W Serenity package, An offer úunique for any helicóCommercial Ptero. The serenity package is includedá With the purchase of each new helicóPtero R88. Serenity includes services, as coverage of unchanged remoctions for five Añthe the 2,000 flight hours (The thing that happens first), Premium health monitoring and advanced digital services. This Robinson Helicopter Company and Safran package Helicopter Engines offers additional trust in the maintenance and continuous support of each helicóptero Robinson R88. Arriel's family has accumulated Más de 66 millions of flight hours and is used in various demanding missions worldwide.

CharacteríStickers and key capabilities

  • Tamañor and capacity: The R88 is the aircraft Más big and capable that Robinson Helicopter has designedñado, With capacity for eight seats in the main cabin, Two seats in the control cab and a load capacity útil up to 1,800 Founds with complete fuel. It has approximately 275 Pies CúCabin volume bicos.
  • Performance: The R88 offers a más de 350 miles náutica and an autonomíto overcome the 3.5 hours. The aircraft is expected to have a load útil internal de más de 2,800 pounds and beingá propelled by an engine úNico Safran Arriel 2W 1,000 Power horses on the axis.
  • Highly configurable interior: The highly configurable cabin has a flat floor, What allows múLtas Front and Club seat settings, Effective Missions M configurationsédicas aéREAS AND SECURITY Pública, y múLtiple future seat options. A folding rear door style cami platformón simplifies the load load and accommodates a HEMS stretcher.
  • External adaptability: The aircraft isá Available with skates estáHard or optional high skates for a greater distance to the ground and compatibility with a water tank for extinciónumber of fires. The optional team includes a load hook with classificationóN Hec 3,000 pounds, A utilitarian basket, A protection kitón against emerging cables and floats.
  • AvióAdvanced only: The R88 has an avi suiteónica Garmin, which includes large G500H txi screens and GTN browsers with screen controlsáctil. The G500H TXI includes an crew alert systemón. Un pilot by carático isándar of 4 Axes with characteríStics as level mode, stationary parking assistance, tell usón of líMITES AND PROTECCIólow/high speed n. The recordingón of datos isáNDAR with data link and a health use monitoring system (HUMS) Simplifica La Operationón and maintenance.
  • Improved security: The R88 incorporates hydroáDual Ulica for head and balancing for CR flight controlsíticos. Other characteríSECURITY STICS ESTáNDAR includes an input barrier filter and windshields resistant to certified impacts secún Helic's requirementsóPARTS OF THE PART 29. The new lightingón exterior LED, which includes landing and taxi lights, illuminationóN of the tail rotor, illuminationón scene and entrance lights, Improve aún más security.
  • DiseñThe Innovador: The R88 introduces C controlsíDual clicks with extra controlsíbles on both sides, which allows the pilot to command to beé In the left or right seat with a passenger in the other seat. The aircraft beingá Certified by type for Optional Optional Operations of a single pilot. He saysñor completely new interior presents seats CóModes and functional, Materials fáKeep and a design cilesño versáto.
  • Affordability: The R88 has an initial price of $3.3 millions of dóAmerican lares in DóCurrent lares for configurationón isáhighly equipped.

The R88 is a completely new type certificate, Submitted to rigorous tests and engineeringíA for every aspect of the aircraft.

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