Author's name:Nicolas Larenas

Aeronautical correspondent with more than 12 years of experience in the aviation sector for international media. Master in Airport and Aeronautical Management and Administration - Multimedia Technician.

iberia iata travel pass flights europe latin america ecuador colombia uruguay argentina chile peru bolivia
Aviation, Travels

Iberia launches the IATA Travel Pass between Europe and Latin America

jetblue economy class food transatlantic flights

JetBlue reinvents what it is to fly in 'economy class' in the Atlantic

passengers brazil quarantine ecuador flights ecuador
Aviation, Travels

Passengers of origin or stopover in Brazil will quarantine in Ecuador

ecuatoriana airlines boeing 717 ecuador aircraft fleet

Ecuadorian Airlines announces the Boeing 717 for your fleet

boeing land 737 MAX electrical problem

When in doubt, Boeing recommends grounding some 737 MAX

american quito boeing 787 airplane type flights

This is the Boeing 787 of American Airlines that landed in Quito

candidates ecuador aviation proposals tourism 2021

What do Ecuador's presidential candidates propose about aviation?

Aeroméxico fleet increases Boeing aircraft 737 max boeing 787

Aeromexico will increase its fleet

Chile closes borders flights latam airlines copa american jetsmart sky
Aviation, Travels

Chile closes its borders and LATAM cancels flights

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Aeroméxico and Delta increase joint flights

latam ecuador aircraft maintenance holding company latam airlines

LATAM Ecuador performed the first maintenance on the holding aircraft in Quito

air force new aircraft airbus h145 grop 120tp

Ecuadorian Air Force presented its new aircraft


Equinoxair requests more domestic flights in Ecuador

American Airlines Ecuador flights Quito Guayaquil

American Airlines bets on the Ecuadorian market

american airlines routes international domestic flights

American Airlines will operate more than 150 new routes

Paul Aucapiña wooden scale aircraft ecuador

Paul Aucapina, makes scale airplanes out of wood

wingso flights medellin cali quito cancun punta cana
Aviation, Travels

Wingo requests new flights from Medellin and Cali

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Aviation, Travels

Can I travel to another country to get vaccinated??

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