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I share with all of you a series of discounts on travel insurance, assists, Hotels, tickets toéprisoners y más so that they save on their próxth trip.

Thanks to all of you, both the blog and social networks continue to grow, so I have prepared a list of companies that offer exclusive discounts for readers of this space as well asén for all those who follow Nicolás Larenas on different social networks.

Assistance discount, safe, chips y coberturas de viajes internacionales

Descuento en seguro internacional de viaje

It is always recommended to travel with travel insurance, even if that país does not require it as mandatory, since we don't know whaté It can happen to us and if this happens abroad we can incur large unscheduled expenses that can ruin our trip.. That's why with Assist 365 you have a 5% discount with the cóI say NLARENAS.

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There are several plans and valuesúon your trip, coverage or duración of the same, to acquire it is very fácil. You must enter this link and enter the cóI say NLARENAS to get the 5% off:

Descuento en chips internacionales e-sim

Spaghettién, si vas a viajar es importante estar siempre conectado, no solo para compartir tu viaje con tus seguidores y familia, but alsoén, por seguridad y poder navegar tu viaje sin depender de WiFi o caros planes de roaming. Con los amigos de Holafly he preparado este link de descuento para que obtengas un 5% en cada uno de los e-sim que contrates a cualquier país of the world, España, USA, Perú o el que tu necesites.

¿Cómo obtener el descuento? It is fácil, en tu compra en la sección de cupones debes poner el cóI say: NLARENAS o también puedes seguir directamente este enlace que ya incluye todo para el 5% menos en tu plan contratado:

rental discount – Car rental

If you travel and are going to rent a car, with you will haveáIt is a complete service and the rate shown includes all applicable insurance, without additional charges (unless you accept them in destiny).

With the cóI say NARENAS will getás a discount of 5% for you pleaseómaximum income by entering this link:

Don't forget to put the cóI say NARENAS at the end of the process to get the discount.

Cheap passages

If you are looking for the best prices for your tickets, you can use this flight search engine directly to obtain the m ticketsás económonkeys that fit your needs:

Spaghettién if you search you search for flights hotels and más, you can go to this link directly, remember that you can get cashback for your confirmed purchases:

Hotel discounts

If you are looking for the best hotel options, You can use this search engine for any destination or city in the world:

Save on your hotel -

Free tours around the world

¿SabíSo there are tours that you can do for free in many countries.íses of the world? With Civiatis a list of free guided tours has been generated so that you can do themówhere you want and when you want, solo you must enter hereí or use the search engine below and findáThere are free ones and others paid but with very good prices:


Disclaimer: Nicolás Larenas or in the relationship storeón some with the ticket and company search engine hereí mentioned and is not responsible for transactions carried out externally on that portal.
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