This was air security during the 2024
Security toéarea in 2024: ¿añor advances or setbacks? We analyze the IATA report and reflect on the challengesíCurrent […]
Security toéarea in 2024: ¿añor advances or setbacks? We analyze the IATA report and reflect on the challengesíCurrent […]
Here's informó of a great closure of 2024, in which so much the TRáPassenger's fico such as the demand for
HERE you shareó your concernón about productionósustainable aviation fuelón – PURE, which advances más slow of
HERE I communicateó your concernóI decided beforehandón spyñwave about forcing the aerolíguidelines to include hand luggage in
Good news globally, Passenger demand on flights around the world concentratesó a 11% of growth
Go WHAT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology presentó the 7 key points to decarbonize and have affordable transportationésustainable reo
Deadlineó the 2023 and everything isá prátically recovered and normal in the industry toéarea worldwide, but some are missing
I tell you what was said, I offeredó and what did I ask foró IATA during Aviation Day Ecuador 2023 in Guayaquil with the
Post-pandemic, there has been an increase in incidents with disruptive passengers, generating great concernón in the industry aéled area
If it comes trueá el próximo IATA Aviation Day of Ecuador and the venue of the event will beá in the city of Guayaquil
IATA reveló that for him 2024 recovery is expectedón full of the industryéarea at pre-pandemic levels during
Ecuador will haveá its first editionón of Aviation Day organized by the Associationón International Transport Aéreo – IATA a realizarse
¿Whaté points were discussed at Aviation Day Ecuador? We review the más importante que se dijo durante
The load toérea increaseó a 7,7% in August vs. pre-pandemic levels, but the ability to
La Associationón International Transport Aéreo – IATA proposed to the Government of Ecuador the eliminationón de los impuestos EcoDelta e
I was present at the Aviation Day Colombia 2018 that was developedó in Bogotaá, counting with the participación de grandes personalidades de