Ultra Air

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What about airlines in Colombia?

ultra air suspends flights operations flight colombia destinations medellin bogota cartagena cali san andres routes

Ultra Air suspends all its flights

ultra air flights destinations routes ticket sales tickets cancellations planes jetsmart
Aviation, Travels

Ultra Air informs that it maintains its flights

Ultra Air JetSmart announce airline purchase sale colombia chile flights

Ultra Air signs letter with JetSmart for the sale of the airline

ultra air first year anniversary flights colombia domestic international destinations

Ultra Air celebrates its first anniversary of flights

distribution market share aerocomercial air colombia flights airlines avianca latam viva easyfly wingo ultra air

Share of the Colombian aviation market

ultra air international flights colombia venezuela ecuador mexico cuba costa rica united states
Aviation, Travels

Ultra Air requested first international flights

Ultra Air flights Colombia medellin monteria san andres barranquilla cucuta

Ultra Air announces new flights in Colombia

Ultra Air flights Cali medellin cartagena san andres santa marta bogota
Aviation, Travels

Ultra Air announces new flights from Cali

ultra air month flights colombia cartagena cali bogota barranquila san andres medellin passengers cost

Ultra Air reports the results of its first month of flights

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thaw airplanes de-ice winter ice cold storm snow thaw

ultra air flights soon start certification colombia

Ultra Air close to starting its flights


Ultra Air received its first aircraft

Ultra Air Colombia new airline domestic international flights

Ultra Air seeks to fly to Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, United States from Colombia

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