Guide for the Aspiring Pilot

Guide for the Aspiring Pilot

Así that you have decided to be a pilot, but you have many doubts about whether you think you can achieve it, if you have what it takes to do it or ¿you have fears or insecurities about what is required and needed? Well. I hope with this little oneñor manual for the aspiring pilot can help you. Deal withé to explain in a simple way what you need to achieve having your three bars on your shoulders with this Guía for the aspiring Pilot in a series of special posts about cóI want to be a pilot.

I invite you to read everything you need to know about the «Pilot Schools in Ecuador«, the second part of our special and the third installment about cómo «Get a job as a Pilot«.

Post written by: Capturesán Rodolfo Estrella
FAA Commercial Pilot
Twitter: @rodo_estrella

First of all, I will speak in a general way, basábased on generally accepted requirements in the greatestíbyeíses which have been based on the same requirements of the Federal Aviation Agencyón of the United States (FAA) by its acronym in Englishés.

The first thing to consider is the issue of age, to be able to start having an instructionón formal is to have at least 17 años old and have a tíbachelor's degree or educationón secondary, this although it does not give you the freedom to act as a pilot, if it gives you the freedom to act as “student pilot”. But to act on itícommercial line the age mírequired spirit is 23 años, así to be eligible to obtain a transport pilot licenseínever aérea (ATP).

the myths

I have a problem físico or méI say. ¿i can be a pilot?

You see meón is not perfect. I have to wear glasses

To eventually be able to work in aviationóYou don't need to have a visionón 20/20, although beíto the ideal, aero medicineáutica allows you to develop in the field of aviationón wearing prescription lensesón. Nevertheless, there are limitations regarding color blindness or the inability to distinguish colors.

I am very short

The second, ¿Do you think you're too small to be a pilot?? It's another myth, Actually height is not an impediment for pilots, (although yes for other flight activities such as cabin crew). But for the pilots it is not a restriction.ón. ¿Becauseé? Because just like a caróvile all planes have adjustable seats for pilots of any height, I have known pilots who do not exceed the 1 meter with 50 cm. Of height. Although in some small airplanesñYou can't see very well over the instruments, it's solved fáeasily with the use of a cushionín.

I suffer from some disease

About diseases it is a difficult topicíeasy to treat, at the moment an impediment is diabetes, However, the FAA isá at this moment dealing with the topic to be máis flexible on the issue of pilots with this condition. There is not much talk about other types of ailments., it is even possible to obtain pilot certificates even if you have lost parts of your body.

The M ExaméI say

The exam is very feared by many.éI say that in order to be a pilot in any countryís dutyás undergo an exam mécomprehensive training at an aeromedical centeráutica. and this dutyá be renewed from time to time depending on the age and the use given to it.é to the examéI say. For instance, one first class is for pilots under the age of 40 añone year oldñthe calendar, but the same certificate lasts 5 años if the activity carried out is that of a flight instructor or student pilot to cite a couple of cases and its validity and rigor mayíto vary depending on jurisdictionón berriesábath tub byeís. In Ecuador it is very exhaustive and you will value itán the following aspects:

  • Laboratory (urine tests, feces and blood).
  • Eye specialistíto determine your visionón and the need to use lenses and correctives.
  • Exam clínico general.
  • hearing test.
  • Electrocardiogram (increasinglyón).
  • X-rays.
  • Otorhinolaryngologistía (allergies and respiratory problems).
  • Psychología (very demanding in Ecuador, includes tests of mental ability, mathematical reasoningático, spatial and motor skills tests and interview with psychólogo).
  • Neurologistía (they usually measure your reflexes).
  • Electroencefalografía (brain function)
  • Odontología (dental records).

As I mentionedé before, the theme varía lot of país in país, but you must prepare to be at least a dayíalone with exámenes in the center méI say.
To find somethingún problem the méI mean it's not that it's not going to definitely grant you the certificate., but castá a series of recommendations to take into account or requestá treatments prior to granting the certificate. It is very well known that the formeráless psychoógics in Ecuador are very demanding and many applicants are sent to therapy before delivering the certificate.

The englishés

This is a key issue, Although proficiency in English is not mandatoryés in the study stage in our paíLatin American ses, is vital for the future of your career, thinking a lotás ahead, the aerosolsíclasses require a certificate of proficiency in Englishés aeroáhigh utic, measured on a scale of the Organizationón International Aviationón Civil, where alsoás to measure your englishés in aero communicationsáUticas, measureán the ability to understand Englishés spoken by non-native people or with very strong accents. so dutyás speak and understand very well. On the other hand, manuals and subsequent training requiredán that you read a lot in Englishés.
If you decide to study in the United States, the Federal requirement for obtainingón of a license is that you are able to speak, write and understand the language. TíTypically, schools require an English exam before receiving their foreign students.és international like the TOEFL. There are some English training centersés e engés aeroáutico where you can train in advanceón.

The Matemáethics

A headache for many guys and hopefuls, they think they will findán with problems worth a hundredíficos. Well no. The reality is that aviationón reduces to simple arithmetic problemsética básica, and unlike schools where the use of calculators or any help is penalized, in aviationón is quite the opposite, Use of any troubleshooting tools is recommended and encouraged., The idea is not to complicate the pilot's life but to make it easier.ás fácil. In a nutshell, if you know how to add, subtract or make a simple rule of 3, Eastás on the other side, for c themesáthere más complex, couldás use your calculator, cell, Tablet, áspleen ¡or whatever you want!.

It's an expensive race.

Sadly yes, training costs a lotón of a pilot, and costs varyían muchísimo de país in país, It is known that in Bolivia, for example, you can obtain a commercial pilot's license for around $20.000 dólares while in the United States it can cost you $80.000 dóhomes or más.
The cost is too variable and depends onón of your effort and your skill as a pilot, speaké of this más ahead.
Nowadays many kids areán looking for a way to finance your career, usually the méall used are throughés the créstate educational sayings, or traditional banking entities, or directly through financing plans offered by schools. It is very prudent that on top of the estimated cost of a school add a 20% for any additional training topic.

¡I am fit to fly! And now, ¿Para dówhere am i going?.

Now you know, you have a visionón 20/20 (o no), you have no problems físick, is métell me and you are sure you canás obtain a certificate méI say without problems. But, ¿dówhere are you going to study?
¡The millet questionón! cóm choose the site más right for you.
To dependá of some factors, first and mostáIt's important your ability to pay, at the end of díto beá el factor máIt's important, BUT you must take into account other decisive factors.

In a second editionóWe will talk about Pilot Schools in Ecuador.

Pilot Schools

There are many and all over the world, but ¿cóI choose the best?

I particularly went afteríinitially due to the low costs of aviationón Bolivian and my economic capacityólittle was limited, but when consulting with pilots and friends in the field, they all recommended that the best decisionón was to study in the United States. Así that it is worth making the effort to not look so much for the economic issueómico but the benefit you are going to obtain from each site.

the aviationón in our paíLatin American culture is not as developed as in North America.érica, and ¡Sure! Americans invented aviationón and therefore its development and activity thereá es indescriptiblemente más broad. Unlike making flights on isolated runways or often on land, with little or no tráfico, In the United States you experience the tráI'm theéreo más intense of the world, restrictions, verás on your flights to space rocket launches, and your situational awareness will beá better. Additionally, the industry offers you excellent tools to fly, in weather, planningón, and flight facilities. Definitely, tenderáIt's an experienceás wider than in the local market. So I particularly recommend it.. further, an FAA license has más prestige than any other issued in any countryís without in any way detracting from the quality of training of any local school.

Studying abroad has the disadvantage of additional food costs.ón and stateíDepending on the location, they can be high, but in perspective it adds an interesting touch when experiencing another culture in an environment of students of many nationalities..
A local school can reduce the cost by being close to your home and local housing and maintenance costs.óIt is not usually more economicalómonkey.

Another very important factor for my point of view is the availability and maintenance of aircraft.. Many schools have small fleetsñas y grand núgroup of students so your turn to fly will be seená reduced, tenderás to wait for a grandfatherón isé available or accommodate tight schedules to shareás con los demás students. Availabilities that will additionally be seenán affected by climate. Schools with small fleetsñas meaning that tendrás to wait turns to fly and extendán your training period.

Aircraft maintenance and condition

Flying has an inherent danger that is increased or attenuated depending mainly on the state and maintenance of the aircraft.. Don't expect to arrive at a school and see shiny new aircraft that have never had any problems.. Generally the school airplanes have ages that surpass the 20 añThey are old and their condition is not so “glamorous” to put it in some way as one can imagine.

Study pilot career
Student Pilot's office

Maintenance is also linkedén to the previous topic on aircraft availability, suppose that an avión isá andñworn and requires parts, ¿thaté How long can it take to be ready for it?íflight line again? ¿The school has its maintenance workshop available to solve problems ráI ask? A needed spare part can take up to months to reach remote sites far from the supplier. I have known cases of schools with only one avión multi-motor. When it goes to maintenance for needing parts, this beingá stopped for months until we got the replacement, which in the end again means that theá your training period and this factor will beá totally unforeseen and random.

Equipment and flight capacity

Especially in your stage of training by instruments, It is highly recommended that the school you have chosen offers a variety of airplane and aviation alternatives.ónica, this is, instrumentsón. Básica, GPS, glass cockpit, etc. This will give you a lot of más experience in the management of flight and navigation systemsón.

Climate and Locationón

It is important to see a school that is located in a geographical location.áthat allows you to operate most of the year.ñor with favorable climate, will not wantás will be all daysíace in long waits for good weather to be able to fly. further, This must have within a reasonable range the greatest amount of airódromes and navigation aidsón that allow you a training ráI ask. For instance, If you need to practice an approximationón NDB pero el NDB está a 50 miles, just get thereí it will cost you money that caníhow to use it training in a nearby place.

¡OK! ¡you have your school, You have your uniform ready and you go to your first dayíto classes! ¿Whaté you can wait?

You arrived on time for your first dayíto classes very punctual and your first daysías a pilot student he will developán in a classroom with an instructor who would begin to teachñarles on the topics más básick, like parts of the planeón, day hélice, the motor, the instruments, and flight controls and how to make a weight and balance sheet necessary for each flight. Marketán the díaccompanies themñof simple assessments up to the dayíto be introduced to your flight instructor. and prepare youá for your first flight. Exe díask your instructorá familiarize yourself with the aircraft control systems and your local airport, study the clues, los taxiways, locationón of ramps and buildings so you know how to locate yourself.

¡You made it to your first flight! Your instructor taught youñará how to do a pre-flight, check the status of the avión before the flight, with a checklistón in hand goán checking the avión and checkán that it is fit for flight. This task will later be developedáyes you only día a día.
The instructor will carryá the grandfatherón up in the air and I will give it to youá so that youú feel it and try to control it, the forces that are felt and will finally give youá an introduce youón to the maneuvers you are going to learn.
I couldás come back very tired, even dizzy and that feelingón followá for some flightsáyes and caná intensify as you practice maneuvers, but it will decrease as your body gets used to the flight. Anyway, dutyáAlways be prepared and carry seasickness bags so in addition to an excellent dietóIt is not recommended before a flight. And always carry water to avoid dehydration.ón.

As you feel más cómode of handling the aircraft, the instructor will limit himselfá to monitor your actions and evaluate them and beás tú as a student who will haveá most of the time control. A good instructor is the one who allows the student the most time to control the aircraft.
As your flight training progresses, spend your flight alone, do cross-country flights and feel safe in your classes, evaluations will arrive. These generally consist of an oral exam stage and another flight exam stage where you mustás demonstrate what has been learned and studied.
Hereí is where the cost of your career can vary, if one or más flight maneuvers are difficultíbefore which you, dutyáRepeat them as many times as necessary until you master it to the point that your instructor is satisfied with your performance.ñor and believes you fit for your final exam. This additional training obviously requires más flight hours and therefore additional costs.


You already know everything you need to know, your maneuvers come out very well, your landings are excellent and your communications are good…. ¡Tú instructor signs you up for the final checkup!
Generally the checker is a person not affiliated with the flight school but más ok to the aeron authorityáutica and isá capable of issuing licenses.

For the díto your duty checkás have all your papers in order, examen méI say, bitácora signed and authorized by the instructor, and any paperwork that may include cácalculations and previous flight plans.
You will begin with an extremely rigorous oral exam whose durationón can be between 2 a 6 hours. On él will be verifiedá all the knowledge required to obtainón of each license, many times the payment of each checkup is apart from the cost of your training.

The examiners are very rigorous and in some cases aggressive and intimidating with the aim of putting you under pressure.ón and evaluate your stress management and performanceñthe general. Other examiners may be más relaxed and even predisposedón to help you and teachñuntil. You must be prepared for everything, to face an examiner who will wantá make you suffer for your license or someone else who wantsá evaluate yourself in a relaxed way.

At the end of día, there are two results you can get, The first is for the examiner to approve your performance.ñor in the knowledge check as in flight and grant you your certificate or your license. And second you fail the check, in this case you can pass the oral exam and fail the flight, either pass the flight test and fail the oral or fail both. If this is the case, the examiner will requireá that you return to your instructor for additional training and repeat your checkup. In the majoría number of cases will be requiredá that you repeat the maneuver or demonstrate the knowledge in which you failed only, but there are examiners who reevalúeverything again.

¡Oops! ¡you failed the check!

It's not the end of the world, In the end it translates into additional costs in training and exáis meant, but the part más difíIt's easy to accept that you failed, ¡it's a hard moral blow! Nobody wants to fail a checkup, but like everything in life you must learn from your mistakes and continue.

A failed check is a blot on your resume, that's for sure.í, and dutyás to face it later in your career, especially in your interview stage for Aerol.ídirections where toás answer honestly whyé you failed and how that served youó to improve your career. Always expect in an interview the question of whether you have failed a check and why.é. That is why in the school environment you always hear: “fail in any part of your training, ¡except check!”.


Your life as a student pilot will take youá along rewarding paths, However, I will find youás también with disappointments and frustrations, your mind will divideá many times between your performanceñor and the money you invest, a holm oakóAn unsatisfactory flight is a hit to your pocket that you must learn to handle but in the end everything will dependá you dedicateón and your desire to learn, the aviationón is not a career for someone who finds it difficultíeasy to study, dutyás study for the rest of your professional career and you will seeás tied to exáconstant menus and evaluations, Lo máWhat is important is dedicationón and the desire to study, your instructors can teach youñar everything but dependá only from you and your effort to achieve your goal. ¡It's not fáeasy but not impossible!, It requires a lot of sacrifice and above all, vocation.ón.

My recommendationóThe end is to do a lot of researchón before deciding on a study center, the factors that I present to you in this guideía are referential of what you can expect in your initial stages of study and some of the factors are, in my view, the más important. but dependá the decision is up to youófinal based on your convenience.

I hope my little one has been useful to youñtoía for the aspiring pilot and student pilot about what you can expect and what you need to achieve your desired professional pilot license.

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102 comments on “Guide for the aspiring Pilot”

  1. Hello good I have, 16 years I'm from Ecuador, I wanted to know if you know of any web page or a place where they teach something about aviation for free advice to get ahead of me in the teachings

  2. Sebastian Guizardo

    Hello there! Nicolas, my question is a bit appealing to your experience, I will briefly tell you my case, and I hope not to lengthen so as not to be annoying.
    I have 19 years and I am fine-tuning details of school and loans to be able to finish my degree and also get the necessary flight hours to join an airline and that will extend my studies a few 4 years maybe, bone that would have 24 almost 25 when i finish all my studies , I know that it is not a bad age to start looking for an airline but to be honest, what are my chances of finding a job as a commercial pilot due to this covid issue since one of the investigations I did was precisely the projection of work once I finished my studies and I came to the conclusion that it was evident that the demand for pilots was going to be great in the next decade but now with the covid factor everything changes even pilots are fired for lack of flights, so my doubt is with 25 years at the latest 26 I have already finished all my studies and hours and assuming that the covid has not reduced aviation so much, what are my chances of finding a job in commercial airlines, I just need one it's difficult but possible since I won't give up if you tell me there is a 1% of possibilities since I am very persistent I am sorry for taking so long, thank you very much in advance

  3. Leonardo Carrion

    Hi Nicolas, I read everything and thanks for the information.
    Currently I have 16 years but do you think that with 17 I would be accepted?
    I have always had a doubt and I would appreciate it if you could clarify it for me..
    I suppose that when one already becomes a captain it is thanks to his experience and hours of flight, but age has to do with that.?. I say this because if I'm not wrong there have been captains with 30 years and even if I'm not wrong there was a pilot captain of 29 years Salvadoran who even had a missing left eye but despite only 29 years he was already captain and even in the 88 saved his aircraft with passengers from crashing.
    I apologize for bothering you with my long comment, but I would appreciate it if you could clarify this last question..
    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hello there.
    At 1.96m tall, do you have problems being hired by a commercial aviation company?? There are schools that with more than 1.91m already give you problems to do the course.

  5. Wladimir Sarzosa

    Hello, how are you? 28 years of age would be a good age to study to be a pilot or what age would be recommended ?

  6. norma bellido antunez

    HI NICO. I'm mijael and I'm speaking from PERU, before congratulations for the post, I am very motivated. I would like to know if there is any difficulty in wearing glasses since I have astigmatism, And another thing I would like to know is what types of courses are taken. THANK YOU…

      1. Hi Nicolas, Thank you for all this valuable information., since it has cleared up some doubts

        I have 17 years old and I'm close to finishing school, like getting a certification in English ( c2 advanced )

        But my question after graduating what courses or what licenses should I get over time to become an airline pilot?

  7. Sebastian villar

    Hello Nicolas, I have a question., I have 17 years old and I am looking for a school to study the private pilot course and I am looking at options but I do not know if a quality and more expensive school where you study this course affects something in your general career as a commercial pilot such as a plus at the time of being contracted taking into account that the commercial if done in one such as embry ridle

  8. Light M Candle

    I have read the whole blog, taking into account that the age for hiring in most airlines is 21 from 23, in which an aspiring Commercial Pilot can be trained, besides English, to strengthen your professional profile when you can study your pilot career.

  9. Kind regards Nicholas

    What a pleasure to find your post and see the great person you are informing people and also answering their questions. Virtues that at least in my experience, not many people have.

    I'd like to ask your advice if it's not a bother, I'm really from Colombia and it's been 6 months finally after years of academic efforts and above all economic, I received my commercial airline pilot's license (pca) and does 1 month I received my icao english certificate 4,. I always had in mind that if one day I managed to become a pilot, My dream would be to get into any airline as soon as I graduate and do everything possible to achieve it.. and I hope one day to fulfill it but… now that i finally got my license i realized that i would like to explore the world professionally speaking, I mean for example, fly air ambulances, aerial photography, aerial advertising or parachuting people haha ​​I don't know, whatever works for me but… I have no idea how to at least apply to those companies, searching and searching i get nothing, since they do not even give any contact where you can send resumes, I would like to know if you have knowledge of anything here in Colombia, even knowing that you are from Ecuador but any help is welcome.

  10. Hello Nicholas I have 19 years old and I'm a technology student but I see that I don't like it, Being a pilot always caught my attention but due to economic issues I did not dare to apply or investigate, I was left with that I could not enter because I wear glasses but my vision is slightly poor, Do you think I should drop out of college and focus on fulfilling my dreams of being a pilot??

  11. Hi Nicolas, after reading the post, first thanks for all the information. Second I have some doubts, i'm english. aeronautical with 28 years, I am strongly interested in taking the PCA course in Colombia, really starting at this age taking into account that it would end type 31 years due to the modality of the program, it is still feasible to enter airlines? On the other hand, after obtaining the license, that continuing education on the personal part or is it already education on the part of the airline? Thanks

  12. Jean-pierre Fanguin

    Hi Nicholas, thanks for all that information., a question I did my last year of high school in orlando fl that is to say that I have the diploma of having finished high school, Do you think that the USA is enough to apply?? Another question, the airlines in the US do not provide training with the commitment to work with them and pay them for my studies with the work that they themselves give you.? Thanks

  13. Hello there, First of all, congratulations for your work and for your blogs, I read them every time you publish them.. Well I wanted to ask you a few things since I'm going to comply 18 years and I understand that approximately studying and obtaining the license for commercial pilot lasts a year and a half. But in the post you say that to obtain the ATP license I must have 23 years, then I could not work in a commercial company? I couldn't get my commercial pilot's license? Or I could work for a private flight company.? What could I do until I meet my 23 years? Sorry if there are many questions but I want to get rid of doubts.

  14. Luis Enrique Rangel

    Friend Nicolas, I want to know where there are simulators here in Venezuela to see their cost and the possibilities of enrolling there and also how I can do the theoretical part online and then take the exam, but age (60) years pe cares for that, Thanks.

  15. Luis Enrique Rangel

    Friend Nicolas, your information is really good, but I would like to know if 60 Years I can still be a Private Pilot, I'm in Venezuela and I have a little bit of Knowledge of that for Practices traveling with a Friend I even did a self-questionnaire to later present at the Aerocub Caracas but later the Director did not let me present the Eamen.

  16. Hi how are things . Very interesting information, I see you mention something about height, I measure approx 1.54 and the truth for that matter is that I have not given myself the opportunity to try it. But what possibility is there that if you manage to enter a flight school you can work in an airline?

  17. Hello there, very interesting. I am looking for those fast one-year programs to pass the private, commercial and IFC. in order to start a career.
    I have a lot of difficulty choosing, they all look great on your page, but there are always trolls who tell you that it is a scam ect… even if there are testimonials you don't know if they are real or not. It would be nice if you could recommend me some where you know people who did well from there apart from the university you mentioned ambryriddle.
    Another question if my goal is to stay and work in the US later, How do you go from a student visa to a work visa?? They are your future employers who help you?
    Thanks, I look forward to your recommendations or those of other readers

    1. Hi leo, there are many excellent schools in America, hard to recommend a specific one, a lot depends on your expectations, budget, etc.

      Work in the USA is difficult., to be able to do it, your school or employer are the ones who can help you stay there working, for a while only.

  18. Good, one question, is there a job opportunity or is it very limited and finally, I'm sorry if I'm very annoying with this question but you are currently working and how much do you earn approx.. sorry for the audacity but I want to know if it is a good investment I would not want to keep a pilot's license that decorates my portfolio thank you very much

  19. Cool the post.. It clears up many doubts for people who want to follow this profession, I love it but my morale drops every time I look at the prices or how expensive this career is since my resources do not reach that level

  20. Hello Nicolas, greetings from Colombia, I wanted to ask if I can start my career as a pilot from the F.A.C. (Colombian Air Force) and go to take a course to be a commercial pilot or directly communicate with a flight agency and they could hire me without asking me for that course even if I already spoke from the F.A.C

    1. In the FAC you will have the same qualifications as a civil pilot, so you shouldn't have problems when for example, you want to go fly on an airline. Probably, you have to complement with some qualification in case you will not get it with the FAC.

  21. Ignacio Martinicorena

    Hi Nico, I just made a comment and it seems that it has not been uploaded to the web, first I want to congratulate you for the post, excellent motivating and encouraging! I have a question regarding schools in the US. The theoretical part is provided in English or there may be a school that provides it in Spanish? my english is an intermediate level, and age works against me, I would have to raise my level first and the months go by. I would like to be able to raise my level while I learn. What would you recommend?? Greetings from URUGUAY and if this "comment" appears twice I apologize.

    1. Hi Ignacio, Thanks for your comment. The courses will always be in English, so I recommend that you start improving your language level as soon as possible. I don't think there are schools that do the courses in Spanish, since the flights, communications and manuals are in English, but you lose nothing by asking, but i highly doubt it.

  22. Hello the truth I have 40 and I would like to know if the possibilities of being an airline pilot are real. I know I'm on the edge. who will you be of opinion. Thank you.

  23. Hello Nicolás, also like all the people in your comments, I want to be an aviation pilot but I really don't know where to go to be a pilot or what school I have 16 years I live in California and I am in the penultimate grade of high school but I do not know where the best option would be to do my aviation studies please I ask you to guide me thank you very much ?

          1. And what do you recommend?? I am studying commercial and I already have my test license in Mexico, it will be convenient to get a tattoo on the ribs? Or is it better to avoid it??

  24. claudia rodriguez

    Hello there, Very good days , wearing glasses is not inconvenient to be able to obtain my license and be able to work as a pilot? The reason for wearing glasses is astigmatism and myopia? And according to the doctors, I shouldn't wake up before 25 years , I thank you and congratulate you for your information .

  25. good night Nicholas
    I am very interested and above all I have always been fascinated to become a pilot, but my english level is not good, Is it necessary to know it to be able to exercise the career? ?

  26. Good night, My question is this, I did study in Bolivia but then I validated the FAA and did only the multi-engine there, for example, it would have all the benefits of the faa and it saved me some money??

  27. I would like to comment on certain limitations that exist, maximum age to apply in some airlines 40 years for FO, minimum height 1,65 and BMI no more than 30.

  28. Hello Nicholas I have 14 years and I would like to be a commercial pilot , which school is the best in the US how much would the degree cost when I come of age? How many years do you study for a pilot?? They take physical tests or resistance which are? Where can I learn English with aeronautical terminology? And how much does a commercial pilot earn??

  29. Hello there, Excuse me, what is the maximum age to finish the commercial pilot career?, i guess i end up with 38 years it would be impossible for you to be hired by an airline?
    By the way, thanks for the great post.

    1. Hi Cesar, you really are RIGHT on time, although currently many airlines are withdrawing age limits for hiring, and they are accepting new pilots of any age as long as they meet experience requirements, There are currently many "aspiring" pilots in the late 30's and early 40's, the important thing is at that age to quickly build up the flight hours in experience necessary to be considerate and maintain good health. In my personal experience and I include myself in that group, in Colombia and the United States it is common to find pilots in training at these ages… But if you're going to, I recommend you start NOW! Responds: Rudolph Star.

      1. Thank you Rodolfo Estrella, what he tells me is encouraging and well with 34 years old I had lost all hope of pursuing such an exciting career, that due to lack of information and resources I could not in my 20's. Greetings and success in your activities.

  30. hello another question, Apart from the medical exam, what other exams, if any, would I have to do here in Ecuador and what kind of exam do I have to do for the first time if it is class I?,II or III

  31. Hello there, I have a doubt about whether I can have my eyesight operated on and then study to obtain a commercial pilot's license and if it is that I would not get an operation, how hard is it to get a job wearing glasses?

    1. hi richard, if you do it in the USA or another country, to return to your country you will have to validate your license, this is done in a local school and consists of a few hours of flight based on the regulation. Greetings.

  32. Good Morning
    please could you indicate me in the USA. which aviation school is the best,
    And what would be the most successful in terms of economics?

    1. Hello, Marcelo, The answer is not easy, since defining which one is the best will depend on your objectives and budget. Personally, I know of people flying in Embry-Riddle, which is apparently the most complete. But, in any case, I recommend that you talk to each of the schools and you will find the one that best suits your expectations in every way.

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