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UPDATED: Items that a traveler can bring in by air

The art list has been updatedípersonal asses that a traveler can enter through vía aéarea in international flights for the Ecuadorian airports without paying taxes. Foto AAG

The National Customs Service of Ecuador (SENAE) establishedó a new list with the artíasses that travelers can enter the countryís without paying taxes for vía aérea, as long as they meet certain requirements. These artíasses are considered personal effects and can be new or used, These changes apply from 15 September 2023.

Artíasses that travelers can enter via vía aérea a Ecuador

With resolutionón SENAE-2023-0089-RE reformó the general procedure for the clearance of passenger baggage and crew entering or leaving international airports Ecuador What Quito, Guayaquil and Manta regarding the artíasses that can enter through vía aéarea on international flights.

Art listingínon-taxable asses

I mark in bold the changes that apply since September 2023:

  • Clothing;
  • Artítoilet asses;
  • Grooming items;
  • Jewelry, jewelryía, personal ornaments and home decorations;
  • Books, magazines, photographic materialáfico and printed or handwritten documents;
  • Food properly sealed or vacuum packedíO;
  • Food and artíasses for neitherños;
  • The instruments, port equipment and toolsátiles, typical of the professionóPassenger's number, Whether they are new or used and regardless of the reason for the trip., provided that said work activity is reliably justified by means of the identification card.é professional, employment contract in the país or other document púmilitary or private, provided that they have been issued prior to the passenger submitting to customs control;
  • Máximo 1 port tooláto the uso doméstic, in the event that it is not typical of the professionóPassenger's number;
  • artists' costumes, compañítheater ones, circuses, for sports or other use;;
  • Medicines, vitamins and food supplements. In the case of medications dutyán be accompaniedñados with their respective prescriptionón ménational or foreign label. For the case of nutritional supplements, máximo 8 Kg.
  • You helpéclinics for older adults or people with disabilities, whether they are passengers or family members of éThese whose relationship corresponds to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, and that due to his conditionóthey cannot travel, such as: wheelchair, crutches, orthoticsédicos and similar, equipment necessary for control méI say, mobilizationón and independent development, provided that all these implements areén appropriate to older adults or disabilities and in quantities exclusively for personal use;
  • medical devicesón de takenón arterial, temperature and glucose, máximo 2 for each, per passenger or family group;
  • A camping team, per passenger or family group;
  • Suitcases, bags or others that serve to transport luggage;
  • video compact discs, múphysics or data that can normally be transported by a person;
  • Máximo 2 domestic animalsélive sticos as a pet, complying with what is established by the corresponding health authority. For more informationón visit:;
  • Máximo 2 musical instruments with or without their accessories; y/o máximo 2 musical accessories that are notén with his main musical instrument, that can normally be carried by one person;
  • Máximo 3 artíbutts used in different sports and/or their accessories that can normally be carried by one person;
  • Toys and/or their accessories that can normally be transported by a person;
  • “In the case of passengers over 18 añyou old, máximo 5 liters of alcoholic beveragesóface, 20 cigarette packs 20 units, 1 pound of tobacco and 25 units of tobacco or cigarettes. When the same container exceeds what is established, should beá pay taxes in proportion to the difference not exempt;
  • Máximo 6 digital memories for cámara photográfica, computers or devicesóvile including telécell phones, except those that are incorporated into the aforementioned equipment;
  • Máximo 10 video game, I understoodéplaying like cassettes, CD or similar;
  • Cookware, as long as they are not theéelectric, that can be transported by one person;
  • Applianceséport citrusápersonal care or hygiene tools, such as: hairdryer, hair iron, Shaver, and similar, one unit of each device per passenger or two units of each device per family group;
  • Máximo 3 devices theéport citrusádom use tileséprice per passenger or family group;
  • Máximo 500 milliliters of perfume per passenger or 1000 milliliters of perfume per family group, contained in new jars; and
  • Máximo 2500 total milliliters per passenger or 5000 total milliliters per family group, of creams, body lotions, splash and similar, contents in new packaging.

Spaghettién are considered personal effects until 1 new unit and 1 used of the following artíglasses:

  • Telécell phone;
  • Cámara photográfica;
  • Video recorder or camcorder;
  • Digital multimedia receiver and/or image/video or sound player portátiles, gift useéstic;
  • Telésatellite phone;
  • Agenda electrósingle u personal computer on tablet (tablet);
  • Port global positioning teamáto (GPS) personal use only;
  • port computerátool and/or its peripheryérich (mouse, audíphones and similar);
  • Console for video games and máximo 2 accessories, be these portátiles o no;
  • Smart watch or smartwatch and;
  • Audíwireless phonesábrics.

If it is in the possession of the passenger or family group más units of those indicated in the preceding list, they will be consideredá taxable assets; Thus, its value conformá part of the tax base of the obligationótax n.

Además, They are considered personal effects until 1 unit, new or used of the following artíglasses:

  • Television up to 60”;
  • Computer monitor up to 32”;
  • Desktop computer and/or its peripheralsérich (mouse, audíheadphones, cámara, keyboard, scanner and similar), gift useéstic;
  • desktop printer, gift useéstic, whose value does not exceed US $ 300,00;
  •  Prismáticos;
  •  Telescope;
  • projection apparatusón and/or sun use screenéstic; and
  • Drone, whose value does not exceed US $1000.00.

If there are two or moreás units, of the artías indicated in the preceding list regardless of whether the second unit is new or used, will be consideredá taxable assets; Thus, its value conformá part of the tax base of the obligationótax n.

Límite of value

The total personal effects that a traveler can bring in without paying taxes cannot exceed USD 2.000.

introduce meón of the declarationócustoms no.

Travelers who bring personal effects into Ecuador must present a declarationócustoms number before the SENAE. This statementón can be presented electronicallyósingle or on paper.

Requirements for the declarationócustoms no.

To file a declarationócustoms no., Travelers must have the following documents:

  • Passport or identification documentón válido
  • airline ticketóarrival number
  • Invoices
  • Declarationócustoms no.

Tips for travelers

To avoid inconveniences when entering Ecuador, Travelers should follow the following advice:

  • Be aware of the list of personal effects that can enter without paying taxes.
  • Submit the statementón customs before the SENAE in case of passing the límites.
  • Keep purchase receipts for artíasses they bring with them.

¿Whaté It is an effect or artítraveler's personal ass?

Goods for personal use are those carried by the passenger or family group., and that are not considered commercial due to their quantity or value. These goods areán tax exempt, tariffs and other import requirementsón.

Máwith informationón

To get máwith informationón about the artíWhat travelers can enter Ecuador can enter byía aéarea without paying taxes, I recommend searching on the website of the SENAE, since these caníto change without notice.

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